Champions are Born, Losers are Made by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Chapter 7: Return and Rebuild

One of the inner secrets of leadership is that they learn to return and rebuild. Sometimes, you have to go back to all those people that laughed at you, to those who criticized you and to those who said you would never make it. Yes, it’s difficult, but leadership requires us to be generous in heart.

I did this. I went back to those who discouraged me and to those who laughed at me. I told them, “I made it, I have achieved my goals, and now I want to help you do the same.” There is a time to leave them behind. When your destiny is exploding in your heart, you have to walk away from the negative voices. As a responsible leader, you have to ignore those who would tell you to abort.

True leaders will return to those same people to offer them a chance. This is a huge test. It requires LOVE and FORGIVENESS. You see, real leaders aren’t selfish. They are not in it for number one. They have a vision, commitment, heart and love that is larger than themselves. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be leaders.

So, look around at those who are holding you down. You have to walk away from them – mentally and emotionally – in order to become the leader than God intended you to be. That is only for a season. True leaders are always ready and eager to forgive and share. Those people who hold you back, who criticize, and who laugh at you are not evil people. They are in the dark.

They cannot see. But, if you’re a leader, you have a candle! Take that candle back to them. Return to them. Let them have the benefit of your light.

Rebuild. It’s not enough to just return; you have to rebuild.

I quote the Bible because it is one of the world’s greatest repositories of wisdom and life. And, the Bible says a great deal about rebuilding. For example, Isaiah 61:4 gives a beautiful description of true leaders:

They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places

long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that

have been devastated for generations.


Think of that! One of the things that mark true leaders is that they rebuild and restore what has been destroyed.