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Consentopia teaches how consent can be used in and outside of the bedroom. The last three chapters are dedicated to rape recovery. A must-read for all.

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Herisa Takhit

Herisa Takhit formerly known as Amber the Activist is a psychic medium Certified Kemetic Reiki Practitioner artist entrepreneur and humanitarian Born in Akron Ohio she has been on the move ever since leaving Ohio at the age of seventeen to live independently In Herisa graduated Suma Cum Laude from the University of Paris a k a La Sorbonne where she obtained a degree in French as a Second Language Later that year Herisa relocated to New York City where she began her career in social justice with Marriage Equality USA and the Human Rights Campaign For two years she worked as the boots-on-the-ground to successfully legalize same-sex marriage in Delaware Rhode Island and New Jersey In Herisa was sexually assaulted and the NYPD responded poorly One officer even said Are you sure he meant 'no' Maybe he thought you meant 'yes' In response Herisa founded StopRapeEducate focusing her efforts on educating the public about sexual violence through chalk art Six months later Herisa took her feminist chalk art messages from Washington Square park all the way to London Spain and South Africa for the first annual StopRapeEducate World Tour Two days before Herisa was supposed to leave South Africa for Australia she was raped by a South African man In an act of bravery minutes after the incident she documented the aftermath of the assault and posted the details along with a teary-eyed selfie on Instagram to her followers at the time One month later Herisa was contacted by Marie Claire and her interview with them went viral Herisa was bullied harassed threatened blamed and shamed by millions of people around the world after experiencing the most violent attack of her life Refusing to cave to the patriarchy in any type of way Herisa continued her career as an activist

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