Converted on LSD Trip by David Clarke - HTML preview

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9.0 Mr. C J Ward and Son


When I arrived for the interview it was said by Mr. Ward, the owner, the reason why I had got the job was because I was on time exactly. I had not planned it that way I just arrived at that time. I started work on the 14 Th. August 1972. With a salary of £2000 per year. I was very thankful to God for His mercy to me.

I continued to work here and go to college at Luton to obtain a further endorsement on my City and Guilds Certificate in Colour TV Servicing. None of the people working here had time for Christian things in fact I was considered as less than nothing. I was ridiculed when I said in the bible God mentioned there was a Synagogue of Satan. They also treated the apprentice at a servant often humiliated him. Eventually until I was made redundant and the letter came dated 8 th of Feb. 1974. This date became significant to me.

I was at home at the time of receiving this letter I realised I was now unemployed. When I looked at the date I took courage and the helped fight the haunting fears of not being able to get a job because of my past criminal record. The Judge Col. Tetley at the Aylesbury Magistrates Court, lasting for three years had given me a conditional discharge. This was on 9 th February 1971. In other words my three years ( three years to the day) was up.

49  My Redundancy

CJ Ward & Son

72 Western Road


Herts.    8 th February 1974

Mr. D Clarke

37 Finmere Crescent


Dear David,

It is with deep distress the due to the present day economic position I greatly regret that we have to terminate you employment as from today week.

Rest assured this has no adverse reflection on your work or you present unfortunate illness, and will be more than pleased to give you any reference, which may be of help to you.

Should the economic position improve I would be pleased to consider any application you may wish to make at any time, and always pleased to see or help in any way possible.

Yours Sincerely,

C. J. Ward

Enclosed P.45 and N.I. Card.

Please note we have sent off your National Health certificate and have not deducted any money from this on next weeks remuneration.

The following reference was enclosed

To whom it may concern.

Mr. David Clarke has been in our employ since August 1972 and has always proved himself to be industrious, courteous, efficient and reliable worked whom we have been pleased to have on our Staff.

Since being with us he has taken advantage of day college to obtain his City and Guilds endorsement to add to his previous knowledge and certificates. We can thoroughly recommend him for any similar position and wish him well in such. We regret that the present government and country unrest and economic position leads us with great regret to dispense with his services.

CJ Ward.

50 My Response

I felt so encouraged by the date of the letter as it was 3 years to the day since I was given the conditional discharge. Remember I was conditionally discharged on the 9 th February 1971. It was as though my God and Father was saying to me don’t worry I will take care of you. I could now look for work knowing and feeling I was free with a clean sheet to start from.