Converted on LSD Trip by David Clarke - HTML preview

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4.0 Confession To 24 Crimes


It was real, absolutely real, but none of my friends really believed me. All I could do was tell them what had happened to me and that was what I did. I told them all, the long, the short and the tall. As many of them as I could. They thought I had gone mad after taking LSD.

Jesus Christ had spoken to me and rescued me from a bad LSD trip, on Friday evening of the 16Th January 1970. He had said that what I had been going through was nothing compared to what hell was like. I now knew the way and was determined to tell the others. I had become a Christian and no longer needed to live the life style I had adopted which had involved crime, drugs, promiscuity , flash cars and fame. I had been born again.

I was now responsible for sorting out all my stolen gear. What could be done with a builder’s shed and stolen cars ? I still had in my possession many stolen goods, which included the 48-ft by 24 ft builders wooden shed, which we had stolen one night from a building site at Berkhampstead, and a lovely “G” reg. mini stolen from Hemel Hempstead, which was in the process of being “rung”. Ringing meant replacing and old mini with legitimate registration documents and number plate a new one. My new mini was being used to replace it. This was to be my new car. I also had a Morris Minor Traveller which had been “rung” and was being used as a hire car.

I had stolen garage equipment which included an air compressor, electric welding equipment, spray guns and a trolley jack. I also several pieces of electrical test equipment which included oscilloscopes, AVO meters and Colour TV’s. I had all the garage equipment I needed to repair and spray cars.

I had a lovely Citroen car in the builder’s shed which was being repaired. I obtained this car through swapping it for a colour TV set. The only problem was that I had stolen the TV set from an old people’s home in Winslow, Buckinghamshire.

I also had two nice speed boat engines getting ready for the summer of 1970. All in all I had had a real good time full of excitement and fun.

In fact I had been stopped in the midst of my career which involved stealing all kinds of goods to have a good time. I had intended to have a caravan, speedboat, water skies, aqua-lung diving gear, flash cars, motor bikes, clothes and so on all through stealing. I was in fact stopped whilst in the midst of my career but not by the police. It was Jesus Christ who had called me by name and I followed him.

01 Stolen Goods

After You Become A Christian?

I thank God he intervened again a year later and His hand was clearly seen once more. I had no one else to help. As I write this I take encouragement in the faithfulness of God to me in never leaving me or forsaking me. I realise now I was kept through the power and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to bare witness today to many people of the goodness mercy of God.

The problem was solve by a visit from the CID.

02 Visit From The C.I.D

I was sitting at the table in our kitchen at 37 Finmere Crescent one evening in late 1971, when a knock came on the door. I had two visitors, a detective constable Robson and a younger man. I was greeted quite politely but with sure and certain words “ You are charged with stealing a colour television “ and “would you accompany us down to the police station to make a statement”.

I knew instantly what I must do and say. I saw the hand of God and believed is was all his doing but I did not know the outcome. Leaving the outcome to God I asked the two men to sit down in the kitchen and I admitted the charge. At this DC Robson seemed most relieved, for he said to me later, he had thought I would be very difficult and awkward and deny the charge .

I explained I would certainly come with them to the police station and make a statement but I wanted to speak to them about other things first. I said I had many crimes I wished to tell them about but wanted to tell them first of all why I was informing them.

I wanted it to be known that they would not have been able to find out about my crimes unless I confessed them and I wanted to testify to the saving work of Jesus Christ - that he had saved me from my former criminal way of life a year previously and that I did not wish to get off lightly with this confession but rather bear testimony for Christ. For in no way could my crimes be discovered unless I tell them and owned up to them. I had a lot of property which could be returned.

I went with them to the police station and spent the rest of the evening making written statements giving details of my crimes. I was detained that evening in the police cells at Walton Street police station, not that I was a stranger to prison cells. My shoelaces were removed but I was allowed my New Testament

(Authorised Version, working mans pocket addition).

I had to appear in Aylesbury Magistrates Court on the 9th February 1971 and answered two charges of burglary and one of theft. I also asked for 21 other crimes of theft to be taken into consideration, all of which had been committed since I left Borstal, between September 1968 and 16th. January 1970. I had decided I did not need legal representation as I would speak for my self.

With my past record of probation and Borstal training it was quite expected that I would be sent to prison . I was quite OK with this because I deserved it and I believed God was in this and had a definite purpose in this event. I prepared for this by setting my affairs in order at home and gave directions that my Mini Traveller which I had rebuilt was to be given to Barry Crown , if I got set down. I believed that whatever happened to me the outcome was of God and there would be good reason for it. I thought I might be being sent to prison so as to preach the gospel.

A friend of mine Mr. Peter Murray was concerned about my court appearance and suggested I get some written testimonials from some of my Christian friends and he felt he ought to appear in person and speak on my behalf. The friends who wrote were Barry Crown, Cyril Bryan, Tom Tompson and Eric Connet. I am including these letters which were sent to the court. These people all testify to the saving grace of God in changing my life.

These are some of the written testimonies:

03 Testimony Of Mr B Crown

R.B. Crown

45 Mitcham Walk



6 Th February, 1971

To the Clerk to the Magistrates.

Dear Sir,

I am a graduate of Salford University, and hold a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering. I am at present an employee of Aylesbury Borough Council, working under Mr. Hanney, the Borough Engineer and Surveyor. I have held this post since September 1970.

Shortly after taking up residence in Aylesbury I befriended Mr. David Clarke whom I meet at the Full Gospel Church, Rickfords Hill. I found David to be a true and sincere Christian seeking to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to give personal testimony of the salvation through Jesus Christ which he himself had experienced.

David told me how he had been miraculously converted on January 16 Th. 1970. and of the subsequent change in his whole manner and outlook to life. Before his conversion he confessed to a life of drugs and theft, but now he no longer had any desire or pleasure in such things, since Christ destroyed the power of such in his life.

For the six months I have known David I have been a witness to the truth of his testimony and I know him as a person who is a completely honest and trustworthy follower of the Christian faith.

Yours Sincerely,

R B Crown.

04 Testimony Of Cyril Bryan

176 Cambridge Street


To the Clerk to the Magistrates


Dear Sir,

I am privileged to write a testimony to you concerning David Clarke, and I count it a privilege because it is to the glory of God.

I have known this young man through conversations and meeting with him, through the church I attend in Aylesbury. The Full Gospel Testimony Church at Rickfords Hill.

What I wish to bring to your notice is the wonderful change that has taken place in him as a result of him believing the gospel and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal saviour, according to the scriptural instruction and ordinances.

The change of character and speech is miraculous, as are all the works of God , and as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ for 30 years, I know that David Clarke is a transformed person, by the grace of God.

As are we all who know the reality of the new birth as taught by Johns Gospel.

You will know his past life , I testify to his new life in Christ Jesus.

Yours Sincerely,

C Bryan

Testimony Of Mr. E Connet

05  Testimony Of Mr. E Connet

E.H. Connet

125 Park Street


2nd February, 1971


This is to certify that I have known Mr. Clarke for a period of approximately 9 months since his conversion to Christianity. I am fully persuaded that he had turned his back on his past life and changed for the better.

He is now earnestly endeavouring to make amends for his past mistakes and even influence others to turn their lives over to God, as he has done.

My object in writing this testimonial is that it may help to throw some light on David’s character from one who knows him as a Christian.

Yours Faithfully,

E Connet.

06 I Speak In Court

I appeared in court on the 9 Th February 1971, dressed in my dark blue (Mod) suit. I pleaded guilty and then a report from the police was read and I was given leave to speak for myself.

I spoke extempore (without notes-trusting in the Lord for all the help I needed) describing my pre conversion days up to my conversion. I also spoke about life since being a Christian explaining my difficulties with respect to the stolen goods that I had in my possession.

I was able to speak of what Jesus had done for me in a way that only God could have worked.

After this Peter Murray spoke on my behalf confirming my testimony.

In passing sentence Judge Colonel Tetley spoke saying, “ The magistrates have considered what they ought to do and your crimes over such a short period of time is quite the worst case we have had to deal with. Your evident desire to be a martyr was one they were not going to gratify. You are conditionally discharged for a period of three years during which time I could prove the sincerity of my conversion “.

This happened on Tuesday 9 Th. February 1971, a date which proved significant to me 3 years later.

I was amazed. So were all my Christian friends. The magistrates thought I was trying to be a martyr-I do not know how or why-they obviously thought I should be sent to prison but part of my punishment would be I was not going to get what I wanted. God smiled. We smiled with him. It was good to be a child of God.

07 News Head Lines

The whole court appearance was reported in the local newspapers and in the national Evening Standard.

The news headline of the Buck Herald read “ Why he confessed to 24 crimes” and “ Converted on LSD trip”. Whilst the Bucks Advertiser read “ Man speaks of horrors on LSD”.

The following are copies of those headlines all of which were fairly accurate.

The outcome of the court case was a complete surprise to us all and so being overjoyed, a Christian  friend, Mrs. Chapski of Broughton Avenue, Aylesbury, invited us all back to her home for coffee.

DC Robson informed me that they had discovered I was the person who had stolen the television for Mike West. An enemy of Mike West had tipped them off. Mike West appeared in Court on the same day as myself and was fined £25. He nearly lost his job with the insurance company he worked for. His encounter at court also appeared on the front page of the newspaper alongside the article about my conversion. See front cover.

After this I gave Mike West his Citroen car back which I had swapped for the colour TV. I had re sprayed it a bright Banana yellow, and replaced the engine. At lease he was able to sell it and get some money back. I now know and take encouragement that God works well and sorts things out when we cannot do so.

As far as the other stolen goods were concerned the police managed to take away most of them but the firm who owned the builders shed sent a trailer. The ironic thing is that I could get no help to load the shed on the trailer. In the end Mrs. Knight was the only one to help. This was very hard wok but between us we managed to load it on the trailer late one night.

To give you some idea of the value of the stolen items. The shed was said to be worth £400. The mini was brand new and worth £672. The price of a terraced house at that time was £2000.

I wish to tell my story starting when I was born ( natural birth) and lead the reader until my conversion when the Lord Jesus spoke to me. (born again) . I then wish to speak about being a Christian to the time of my falling away. After this I speak of my  return God, through to the present time. I describe the ups and the downs of Christian life. I hope this will be helpful and interesting.