Creating Effective Affirmations - The Art of Using Power Strategies to Create the Life That You Desire by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Living within the confines of routine life results  in feelings of being uncertain, frustrated, and low, largely because of the monotony that's involved. There's also a big sense of depression owing to the fact that you can't clearly see any opportunities or possibilities of advancement or betterment of your current state.

If such chances do come your way, you're hesitant to pursue them because you become doubtful that they'll work to your advantage.

Such thoughts make way for several other people that are of no productive consequence. Thoughts that life would have been better off if you were born into a rich family, or if you had attended a better school, do nothing to remedy your situation.

Stepping Out

There’s a lack of self-belief and as a consequence when you stop asserting yourself – you give yourself up to fate and begin allowing things to just happen for you.

Such a life is spent seeking the approval of peers; there's no personal initiative to step outside the little circle of thought and venturing to the unexplored. For these reasons, your life becomes full of anxiety, a passive and defensive attitude, doubt, fear, and diminished self-esteem. Clearly, this isn't a lifestyle you will enjoy.

Break out of your Comfort Zone. Positive thought affirmations are ideal for individuals who wish to step out of their zones of comfort. They work by asserting a faith and optimism in the self.

Self-belief is created and this inspires individuals to create changes that they wish to see in their lives. This is strictly through self-control and effort. Naturally, the first step has to be the erasure of your negative inner talk, which has a big effect in shaping the thoughts, which confine you to the small circle that's your comfort zone.

Stepping out into the Positive

Positive affirmations will start a new thought process that will create new life. You'll be able to brush off the doubts and fears that confine you to self-inflicted limitations. Positive affirmations will enable you to visualize the outcomes that you want to manifest in your life.

As you create your affirmations ensure that they are positive. Let the affirmations convince  you. Let them be brief but emotionally and mentally intense. They must be in the first person because they're only meant for you.

With this said and done, start repeating the affirmations fervently. Using visualization and creating mental images of success will serve you well. The positive affirmations are for the purpose of reprogramming the subconscious. Repeating the affirmations every day is required if the reprogramming is to work. Ensure that you're calm and collected when you're doing this. If this proves impossible, invest in a gadget that can repeat the affirmations in your sleep.

This has proved to be the most effective technique by far. Realize that affirmations complement your efforts. Half-hearted efforts to get out of your comfort zone will not pay off. The effort has to be wholehearted.

Creating a time frame

There's a difference between creating in your own universe and creating in the physical world. When you create inside yourself there's no time involved – your awareness is timeless! For instance, if you would like to change your attitude toward your boss, you do not need to set a time frame. You are able to merely create the intention: “I appreciate my boss,” or, “I value my boss’s viewpoints and beliefs”. It will work instantly if there's no other belief or intention in its way.

When you deal with the physical world, setting a time frame becomes important. The physical world works within time and space. If you build a new house, first you have a plan, and then you move dirt, assemble wood, install plumbing and move furniture until the house is complete. It takes time and effort.

So if you make your intention but you leave out the time frame – your intention becomes doubtful. For instance: “I'm working in my dream job”. Well, you'd probably say right away: “I am not!” It sounds more like an affirmation than an intention. Include the time frame, and this example turns into: “I'm working in my dream job, six months from now”.

Pay attention to any reactions you have when you formulate your intention. Your mind may interfere and tell you: “No way, I'll never get this,” or “this is impossible”. If you encounter these instant judgments, formulate your intentions differently, so that they feel more do-able.

Occasionally you may want to break a big intention into smaller pieces. For instance: “In two weeks I am a millionaire”, is an intention that may not work for most Individuals. Nonetheless, an intention like: “each day I will have more money to spend”, may get you there sooner than you think.
