Creating Happiness: Tools for Improving Your Life by James Carr - HTML preview

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Activities and Challenges


We know the hardest part about this whole personal development project is taking those first steps-taking action. So I’m going to help you get started by giving you some ideas for projects. These projects are meant to motivate you and to help discover what you truly want out of life. If you complete all of these activities, you should feel the cycle start to occur. You can also use these activities as a way to enhance your mood, relieve stress, and re-motivate yourself for the future. Let’s make that your first goal-finish these activities.


Standard and Goals


Take the next week or so and think about what you truly want out of life. Think specifically what kind of job you want or what kind of health, family, or income you want for yourself. Write it all down and be specific. Are you in debt? How much money do you need to become financially comfortable? Want a new job? Write all of the wonderful things you want out of a job. Write down your values and see how those things align with your values.


Once you do that, start coming up with a plan. Come up with goals that will bring you closer to that standard of living and think about the positive outcome to build incentive. Memorize the 4 step cycle and think about the actions that you can take given your unlimited potential. Think positive, overcome fears, and get started on progressing towards your goals and growth!


Life Comparison Chart


This is an activity that will allow you to discover how you want your life to look when you meet your goals. It will give you a blueprint on how you feel your life should look. Take a few minutes, or longer if needed, and create two, side-by-side lists of the different aspects of your life.


On the left side, list all of the things in your life that you’re already happy with or that you’re proud of. These can be relationships, your job, your friends, a particular talent or skill, or your health. On the right side, right down all of the things that you’re unhappy with-the things that you want to change.


Once you’re done, write down why or how you got to that position. What led you to have that bad job or that relationship? Then look at your reasoning. Did you blame others or did you take responsibility? Think about the decisions that got you there. Then take those negative things and think about the alternative decisions you could have made to arrive at a different result. Consider the fact that it’s not too late to change those actions and fix your situation.


Vision Board


You already know about this one. This is how you visualize your goals and your future. This is how you motivate yourself and give yourself some incentive to strive for. Have fun with this and take your time. Make it a piece of art that you are proud of and can display it. You don’t have to show it off, but it should be something that you wouldn’t mind looking at every day. Remember that it is OK to change it or even redo the entire thing as time goes on, but whatever you do, don’t get rid of it!


Problem solving tree map


I showed you this in the problem solving section. By completing this activity, you will have a much better understanding for how to solve complex problems and overcome obstacles. You may want to do this map on paper until you gain the ability to analyze your problems mentally. It’s a very valuable skill to be able to take your difficult, everyday problems and break them down into smaller, solvable, problems.


Triggers and Associations


Make a list of emotional triggers and positive associations. Find a list of triggers for good and bad emotions. Then think about how you can adjust your daily actions to increase the good triggers and decrease the bad ones. Remember to think about the emotions that are created and see if you can dig deeper to find other things that can fulfill those same emotions.


Example: smiles, hugs, music, or heirlooms.


Clean and Organize


Yuck chores! I’m serious though, clean up your home. Get everything organized and dusted. A clean living condition increases your mood, your self-esteem, and reduces stress. If you want to go a step further, grab a scented candle and light that baby up. I promise you that you will feel much better for days if you live in a clean environment.