Cyclicality of Casuality: Book of Life Utility Ideas by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Life-Living Choice


  • Idealism Is Essentially The Most Pragmatic Realism – How And Why?

Medical experts say, “The muscular tissue of the body responds to emotional as well as physical tension and trauma by tensing up in a protective reflex. Over time, these muscular tissues become chronically stiff and hard, blocking sensation and energy flow in the affected area, causing diseases.

This points out to the sad fact that we live such a life where we are exposed to tough and highly competitive life, which throws to us stresses and traumas. This in turn makes our muscles contract, blocking life energy and sensations.

In ancient oriental life-living philosophy and spirituality, unrestricted flow of sensations and energies throughout the bodies was considered primary life duty. In Buddhist spirituality, they say, we should be so aware and in such higher consciousness that we could feel and even see (metaphorically) all tiny sensations of our body and mind. This gives us the golden control to accept all sensations – painful or joyful – with poise and equanimity…

What we need, especially in modern clutter culture and fast-paced conflicted and chaotic life-living, is soft-nurturing emotions of Tolerance, Affability, Humility, Innocence Of Attitude, Compassion, Mutuality, Love And Caring, Forgiveness et al to ease up and rejuvenate the tense and contracted muscles and consciousness…

It has to be accepted that goodness is not an idealism or utopian abstractions. All goodness are actually great pragmatism as they are must for our bare survival and excellence. Idealism is essentially the most pragmatic realism. We cannot live well blocking our life energies and vital sensations…

We all feel and accept that as these nurturing emotions have gone down in content – qualitatively as well as quantitatively; we are unable to feel the natural joys and good emotions of life wellness. This makes us sad, lonely, insensitive and ultimately aggressive and even enemy of almost everything soft and nurturing pragmatism…

We get caught in the vicious cycle of sadness and loneliness… we need to get back those soft-nurturing emotions in our lives….

There has also been this unfortunate realization that almost all softer and very nurturing emotions of life are becoming casualty in the wake of fast lives, workloads and too little leisure...

Somehow, it is not natural. We can say that over millions of years, humanity has successfully evolved and excelled because it had the repository of a huge range of very nurturing and protective range of softer emotions, in the family, society and culture.

The general complain too is that tolerance, affability, humility, innocence of attitude, compassion, mutuality, love and caring, forgiveness et al have been fast becoming scarce in societies and culture…

It does not take a genius to understand that these nurturing soft emotions are essential ingredients of our wellness. Let us all be pragmatic and live up this practicality of wellness and excellence.
