Cyclicality of Casuality: Book of Life Utility Ideas by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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  • Realism Is ‘Totality Of Multiplicity’ Of Subjectivism And Pluralism…!

We can say, there is nothing called ‘ignorance’! The word looks like, at best, an accusation by one for another. Somehow, tragically enough, people often use the word for one-upmanship against competing persons.

Nothingness is never a reality as it seems, there is always a ‘somethingness’ called ‘knowledge’, tiny bit or colossal but always relative and subjective. In this subjectivity and relativity is the genesis of the accusation, called ‘ignorance’.

Often, ‘ignorance’ at one time presents itself as the ultimate ‘wisdom’ in a particular linearity of time and space for the same person. In addition, one’s wisdom invariably seems ‘ignorance’ for other. The objectivity of the realism apart, the subjectivity and relativity of situation and position makes it happen.

Consciousness is very localized and almost always subjective. Truths and goodness for each individual has to be in line with this pluralistic subjectivism.

This subjectivism ensures relativist words and terms like ‘ignorance’, ‘false’ and ‘bad’ etc. As truth and false, good and bad are in essential nature of conflict and competition, there shall always be strife and battle for one-upmanship and supremacy of subjective truths and goodness.

The world we live in has therefore truly turned into a theatre of insurmountable conflicts and chaos. Be sure, there is no looking back for humanity… it shall always continue its journey ahead.

The simple and understandable to all realism for humanity is – we all live in a world that is a ‘totality of multiplicity’ of ‘subjectivism’ and ‘pluralism’. This presents to all, one singular, objective wisdom, that is – “Subjectivism is the core creed, therefore, every individual must be very respectful, compassionate and affectionate towards other’s subjectivism and never allow narcissism about one’s subjective truths to label other’s truths as ‘false’ and ‘bad’.”

Is it this simple! No. If it were, there would have been no ignorant on earth. We all can always know only a part of the truth or wisdom. So is every entity and individual’s position and situation in the cosmos.

Real intelligence is in accepting this relativity and subjectivity allowing the part truth to evolve through holism, integration and assimilation. Narcissism is definitive ignorance. The world has loads of it and this energy ensures, we have many losers, few winners.

The higher consciousness within us is one who understands and accepts this life positioning. This super consciousness has the holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of realisms. He is bereft of the narcissism of subjective consciousness. His real intelligence is his innocence and objectivity; a sincere acceptance of the utility and fruition of every little idea and part truth, which subjective consciousnesses of seven billion people on earth engenders.

We all need to change our generic consciousness and evolve it to the stage of specific consciousness, where this innocence stands tall.
