DO IT FOR YOU OR GET F*CKED UP: A Rule Book for Success by Mr. Walke - HTML preview

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wanted. These people make you better. They inspire you to change,

inspiring you to improve this system, surround you with confidence and

positivity. This can change the way you see an opportunity.

You need to be able to want to become the person who appreciate

because you already are. All you have to do is believe, believe you can

change. Believe you are a good person.

That is the person you need to be. Use your power. And use your

potential. Take pride in your progress. Take pride in your growth. You

deserve that. You deserve to appreciate your life. So who do you want to

be. How do you need to change? You can be fixed. You can grow to

become someone. You can believe in.

Someone you can see succeeding. Becoming a person to become. You

have the opportunity, the opening to become someone, someone more

than who you think you are. You've always been that person. All you

need to do is believe, believe that you are who you are for a reason.

I run because I can. I worked hard because I can't, I push my limits

because I can. I do it all because I can't. I keep going because I can, I

better myself because I can. I do it all because I can, I will do everything

I can. I will not stop unless I am dead or completely incapacitated. I will

never stop. I must keep going so long as there is air in my lungs.

I will keep going. When life gets you down, lifted back up, when life

knocks you down, stand back. When life drags you down, climb back

up. Life is full of ups and downs. You might not be able to control the

downs, but you can definitely control, collapse, get up, stand up and

never give up. Get up. Stand up and never give up.

You are worthy of success. You are worthy because you can. You have

the ability, you have the power. You have a shot. Don't let yourself