DO IT FOR YOU OR GET F*CKED UP: A Rule Book for Success by Mr. Walke - HTML preview

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your potential and succeed life has always been a journey this time. Is

never over. The opportunity is never over. This risk can make your life

so move away from the limits.

The risk isn't worth waiting for. Take it. Have the confidence to stare at it

face to face and break it down. Break it down into the power you have.

Crush it until it's your success. You're staring in

no, the only person you should strive to be better than is the person you

were yesterday. Well, where are you yesterday? What did you change?

What did you want to do? What are you going to do? So what are you

going to change. How are you going to improve? So you need to move

past your old attitude. You need to change your ways.

You got to change your mindset and be better than you were yesterday

because you're no longer you yesterday. You are you today and you will

be you tomorrow. Now, can you make it past the decisions that you

made yesterday? Can you move past the fears you had yesterday?

Because you can be your own biggest fear.

You can even become your fears. Now I want you to put yourself in a

situation where you can struggle, where you can take satisfaction in a

hard day's work. Once you're all done, how are you going to make it?

How are you going to make it past your insecurities? Think about that

and stop wasting opportunities.

Start making opportunities. Empower yourself through your journey.

Make it past the finish line. Be better. In fact. Be the best

without a plan. If you're going to stay right where you are, it's time for

you to make a move, right? The rules. Be your own director. Take the

power. So what's your plan? How are you willing to change? What is it