DO IT FOR YOU OR GET F*CKED UP: A Rule Book for Success by Mr. Walke - HTML preview

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Say it again. If you don't fail, you're not even trying to get something

you never had. You have to do something you never did. So imagine

you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the

ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential. The ghost of the ideas.

You never acted on the ghost of the talent you didn't use, and they're

standing around your bed.

Angry, disappointed and upset.

They say, we, we came to you because you could have brought us to life.

They say,

and now we have to go to the grave together. So I asked you today, how

many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes.

I just got back from South Africa. It's a beautiful country, but there are

places there. Terrible part of it. Poverty that need help and Africa is just

the tip of the iceberg. The middle East needs your help. Japan needs

your help. Alabama needs your help. Tennessee needs your help.

Louisiana needs your help.

Philadelphia needs your help.

The world needs a lot and we need it from you. We really do. We need it

from you, young people. I mean, I'm not speaking for the rest of us up

here, but I know I'm getting a little grayer. We need it from you. The

young people cause remember this, but you got to get out there. You got

to give it everything you got.

Whether it's your time, your, your, your talent, your prayers or your

treasures. What are you going to do with what you have? I'm not talking

about how much you have. Some of you are business majors. Some of