I Dare You To
I dare you to work on yourself for six months. I need to shut out the
world. I you to shut out all the distractions I dated, to give up everything
that is keeping you from your dream. If you have a dream, don't just sit
there. Get your ass up and make something happen. Sometimes you just
have to move to something.
Make a car, three child to something, Google something. Learn
something new. Write down what you need to do in order to make a
better life for yourself and be brave enough to do those things. I dare you
to take a stand today to say, no more. I will no longer accept this for my
life. I gave you to take action today.
I dare you to write your goal. Down and get someone to hold you
accountable. I dare you to hold yourself accountable. I dare you. I dare
you to give up everything that is keeping you from your dream to say no
to all the negative influences. I dare you to pick up a book instead of a
drink. I dare you to work harder than you think you did yesterday.
I tell you to prove them wrong. I dare you to prove yourself right. You
stand up as a man or as a strong woman, as whoever you are and declare
that you're going to claim a bigger and better life for yourself. I dare you
to make something happen this week, to take massive action this week.
Drop everything and do something.
I dare you to walk more than you talk. I dare you to do good for the sake
of doing good. I dare you to tell no one about to be kind, but don't