DO IT FOR YOU OR GET F*CKED UP: A Rule Book for Success by Mr. Walke - HTML preview

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Black, this little boy, and you won't have time to say no. You won't have

time to think that you can't do it. The only time you will have is to app to

take the leap of faith and believe that everything is going to be all right.

Somewhere deep inside. You know what kind of person you were

designed to be, what kind of seed is in you?

I believe part of our responsibility in life is to find out who we are, to

discover ourselves. First off, we need to respect. Our nature. We need to

realize we are part of a continuing chain that carries a legacy and a


And if that's the case, then we need to recognize that we were not

biological coincidence.

First we need to respect our nature. Second, we need to know our nature.

Take care of startles, advise, know thyself, but know things about

yourself that most people don't discover. For example, know how you're

smart, not just how smart you are in comparison to them. In what ways

are you smart? Know what you care about?

What are the values that motivate your choices? No. What's your

personal philosophy? Is the intensity and drive with which you naturally


No. The background imprint, positive, neutral, or negative that you carry

with you and what effect it's had on you. No, your behavioral style, how

you come across to other people. No, your the patterns in your choices