DO IT FOR YOU OR GET F*CKED UP: A Rule Book for Success by Mr. Walke - HTML preview

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been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the

procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming some reason or


You just haven't done it and you know you ought to do this. You really

want to do this, but you don't know why you haven't done it. We know

that this is not easy, that you really got to put all of yourself into it.

It's very challenging to app to do those things. The times when you're

looking at him, you say, I know I need to do this, but I don't feel like

from acting is the fear of failure and if you've already failed, you don't

want to fail again. The pain event, the disappointment, the fear of loss is

another thing.

Because many times when we do those things that we know we need to

do, we feel that we might lose somebody. Many of us don't act because

we want other people's approval. Many of us don't do the things that we

want to do and don't act because of lack of self confidence. We don't

believe enough in ourselves.

A lot of people that have the jobs are making them sick. Because they

won't act. You check out the absenteeism and the people that are

depressed. So there are many reasons why we don't act. There are other

things though that affect us is that not wanting to take personal

responsibility. We want somebody else to do it.

Many times we pick up our inability to do certain things from people

that we love. People that we admire, we identify with them and we live

in the context of their ideas, their opinions, and their life patterns. We

buy into it unconsciously. I couldn't help but think that God wants

greatness to come out of us, but it takes a humility to handle greatness.