my room and I'll never forget it all in about a 15 second timeframe, I
was lying near my bed.
My father, he went to take a step in and he looked at me. He said, son, I
can't do it. And he walked out. My mother, she came in, she was
running. She kissed me on my forehead. She said prayer. She said, ain't
everything is going to be okay, is she ran out and as soon as my mother
stepped outside of the room with Dr.
Rush, then from the opposite side and he said, Hey, you didn't hear. Got
it. Watch this. Got back to emergency surgery. He's about to die. I said,
what? So my mom just told me everything is going to be okay. You said
something, what happened? You have busted up to play an artery in your
chest. You're bleeding internally.
You have to wash your back and take the main vein out of your left leg
and plug it into your chest in order to save you life. And when I woke up
from recovery, the same doctor standing over me said, inky, ask them
good news and some bad news for yesterday. You got some bad news for
me. I have to tell him that I was about to die.
I'm still alive. How bad can it get? I'm still here. So the good news is
some, we saved your life. I said, thank you, sir. You said, the bad news is
you have nerve damage in your right shoulder. You probably can never
play the game of football again in your life. I said, doc, no disrespect
man, but I'm eight games away.
I've been working for this ever since I was seven years old. Doc, there's
no way God not now, like, let me make it to the NFL so I can help my
family first. Like we miss mill, I'll say there, no way. I never cheated. I
never cheated myself. I gave everything I had to it and I respected it. I
never cheat it. No way that my Greg can be, Oh, what's a, send me up to