Daily Plan - Motivate Your Life by Omar S. Adel - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 – The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is key to your entire lifestyle. If you want to achieve a goal you must be positive. Positive thinking can be achieved in so many ways and it is what will help you become motivated to do things in your life. If you are negative about achieving a goal you will procrastinate and not want to work toward the goal. There are many ways you can maintain a positive attitude.

Focus on the Important Things

It is very common for people to focus their energy on things that are not important. When your emotional energy is spent on things that are not important, it can be very draining. The first thing you need to do is to be very clear about the things in your life that are important to you. Create a mission and a vision for your life and your goals. These things are important to you. This way, when you become upset about something you can take a step back when you get upset and decide if it really is worth the energy or not. In most cases you will find that you are wasting energy and getting upset about certain circumstances and things that you shouldn’t. This can be unhealthy and is very bad.

When you are clear about the important things you will maintain a positive attitude and you will not get upset as much.


Maintain Good Health

Motivation also means you must be a healthy person. You cannot have a positive attitude when you don’t take care of your body. There are three primary things you need to do in order to create a healthy body. These things include eating right, sleep, and getting plenty of exercise.

Your diet can have a lot to do with the way you feel on a daily basis. A balanced diet can make you feel good every day and positive. If you drink too much soda, you might create a caffeine addiction which causes headaches. This can not only cause a bad attitude because you have a headache, but you also won’t be motivated to do anything either.

Eating a balanced and healthy diet means cutting out the fatty foods, the sugars, alcohol, and other things that get you down. A balanced diet can help you lose weight too. Being overweight can be a factor that causes you to be unhappy with yourself and have a negative attitude. The best diet is one full of fruits, vegetables, fish and chicken, and a lot of water. Watch your portion sizes too. If you are consuming the right foods you might just need to cut down on the sizes of portions you eat.

Exercise is also important to have a good attitude. Everyone should exercise on a daily basis. You should take at least 15 minutes of every day to exercise. You don’t have to do aerobics or something too strenuous. Walking is the best thing you can do for your body. A brisk 15 minute walk every day will make you feel great and completely change your attitude. This will also make you motivated and create a positive attitude about the directions you can go in your life.


If you are someone who is restricted to a desk for a large portion of your day and you don’t think you have time to exercise that is just an excuse. There are desk exercises you can do while you are sitting at your desk. During your lunch hour you might choose to walk around the exterior of the building or even in the hallways of the interior of the building too. The stairs at your walk could create an excellent workout also.


Another thing you can do to create a positive attitude is to give. Giving means not only gifts but your time, attention, and energy. You might give yourself by spending time with people who need it. Spend time with a friend in the hospital or do something to boost someone’s attitude. One of the best ways to boost your attitude and feel great is by giving to people.

You might give gifts but you don’t have to spend money. It is really simple to take five minutes out of your day to do something nice for someone else. In addition, it is common you will run across situations that are the perfect opportunity for you to step in and help them out. So many times people are stuck on the side of the road with a broken down vehicle and no one stops to help them like they used to. People just drive by and assume the person has a cell phone. Help might mean giving someone the fifty cents they are short at the checkout or assisting the neighbor with building a fence.

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Get Rid of Unnecessary Items

If your home is cluttered with things you do not need or that are just taking up space you might consider giving them away. The old saying that ‘someone else’s junk is another’s treasure’ really does ring true.

You might be so focused on possessions and the things that you own that you really don’t enjoy life as you should. Maybe you grew up with nothing which is why possessions are so important to you. One of the best ways to feel good about yourself and give yourself an immediate boost is to give. When you realize those possessions you own and realize they really aren’t that important to you and give them away is an excellent boost. You will feel very great about yourself.

Look at the Funny Side

Life is funny. When you see the funny side of life and the humor in things you will have an excellent attitude. You will find the people who have the best attitude often have the best sense of humor. When you have a good sense of humor you will feel great about life and be positive too. A positive mind is someone who sees the good in life and in even the little things. This can also help you create motivation so you can move forward and achieve goals you will set.

If you are someone who tends to be serious at just about everything you might want to take a step back and see the funny side of life. Being too serious can only cause stress and worry. When you are stressful and worried you are also focusing on negative things. Focus on the fun and the positive. In most cases, you might be able to find something funny about most things.

Focus on Your Strengths

Everyone has strengths and they are good at something. You might be one of the millions of people who are working a job that does you no justice. You might have qualifications far and beyond what you are doing everyday. This is a goal you can set for yourself to use your strengths. However, on a daily basis, you can practice the things you enjoy and the things you are good at. If you don’t have the time to do these things every day you should put time aside to do these things at least three times a week or even throughout the weekend.

When you focus on things you are good at it makes you feel good. You should have a hobby if you are unable to do these things while you are working every day. If you love arts and crafts or writing you should spend the time doing these things. This can help you become positive. When you focus on strengths and the things you enjoy you will also become motivated to achieve goals focused around these things. This might include entering into a contest or applying for a job.

The best thing you can do for yourself is playing on your strengths. Think about the things that you enjoy doing. Think about the things you are good at. You know you are good at something. You should think about these things and begin to focus on them. Set time aside for yourself to enjoy these things. Don’t think of something you are good at that you despise. Be sure you focus on something that makes you feel good. If you are not good at this task, it is still okay. You can be the worst painter, but if it makes you feel good and positive then you should continue. Pay no attention to any negativity that comes your way during this time also.

One last point, when you choose things to do that make you feel good about yourself, be sure these things are healthy for you. If you feel great when you drink wine because you forget about the bad it could create a problem. Choose a skill or something positive for you that makes you feel good.

Building buffers

Buffers are important in your life. As you go through life you will find there are certain circumstances that you have absolutely no control of.

Most things through life are out of your control. You shouldn’t try to control anyone or have too much control over the things that happen in your life. Your positive attitude will help you manage your life and the things you do. You need to create the buffers, so you accept the fact that you do not have control over the circumstance.

When you create buffers you might choose to talk to friends to work you through certain circumstances. You might choose to talk to a counselor or a therapist to make it through a hard time. Many people practice meditation to help them accept they do not have control over the realities faced throughout the days. You might want to build an external support system so when the worst does strike you have people to talk you through the hard times.