Consciousness Only Creates, it Can’t Uncreate
Did you see the movie, Forbidden Planet? The premise is, an ancient society created technology that could manifest your thoughts. The problem was, the subconscious thoughts were manifested, creating monsters that destroyed the inhabitants. Human unconscious minds may be more frightening than our conscious minds! What if there was truth to the idea that consciousness creates, co-creates, and maintains consensus reality? What if all of us are conscious co-creators within the Universe? What if our thoughts were way more powerful than you ever imagined?
How would you regulate children who could manifest their thoughts on a whim?
Would creating bodies that are soul containers so that you could slow the creation process down-so that children could have time to process and learn to think and only create good things be the necessary evolutionary pathway for souls? What if human life is the mitigating form of consciousness so that we could learn to use our powers for good? I mean, the larva form of butterflies seems like such an unnecessary step. Unless you’re a cicada, emerging every seven years which may bypass the emergency of a predatory niche formation.
Scary Billy Mummy, in The Twilight Zone before being the good son in Lost in Space You see, consciousness isn’t out there to just manifest. It never stops. Consciousness doesn’t take back. When it manifests outwardly, that continues forever. So,
consciousness would be somewhat cautious about randomly making another planet and throwing a lot of people on it, because it couldn’t ‘disappear’ it. (Pg. 25, the Custodians, Dolores Cannon
This is a quote from a client under hypnosis, in a deep level of trance known as the somnambulist state. There are other quotes similar, such as energy beings, or non-corporeal entities that have to create a body in order to visit Earth from a distance. I liken it to one of our psychic spies, a Remote Viewer from the Stargate Program- exploring with their mind, or consciousness another planet- but in order to go there- they would have to create a body double, or a doppelganger. Or an orb? It is an ability that some saints and Tibetan Monks claimed to have, called bi-location. Essentially you travel there, materialize yourself, and when you’re done, you dematerialize the body and return.
After all, isn’t all matter just energy?
Worlds upon worlds
What if our power to create actually created worlds? What if Star Trek is real not just because Gene Rodenberry created it, airing first in 1966, but as more and more people participated in viewing and imagining it over all this time, it was reinforced? Star Trek started the phenomena known as fan fiction- and likely boast more spin offs and more artwork and fan work than any other genre- the Trek family created conventions as we know them today.
Was John Lennon wrong in his assertion that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus? Is there a Beatles universe available to people? How many songs and artists have been influenced because of the group, and the work of Mystic 4… I hope that term catches on.
Robert Monroe, author of Journey Out of the Body suggested this is actually the case. There is an imaginal realm where we all visit. Well, he didn’t give us the imaginal realm that comes from the Persian mystics. He just reports going there. He taught other people to go there. They discovered there are realms of inconsistencies, but there are also realms that ping in consistent.
You would imagine a daydream trip, or ‘dissociative’ state wouldn’t find consensus in the imaginal realm, but the more people that hit the same targets, the more credible the idea became to Monroe. There are artifacts there that are consistent- regardless of who shows up. Yes, there are artifacts there that are nebulous, changing even as a soul moves through the environment, its own background thoughts affecting the landscape. There are also artifacts that some people see that others don’t, but on discussing them sometimes they become available to others. We may all visit an art museum, but we don’t all take home the same things- our observations and insights vary, because humans vary. Per Monroe, the heavenly realms of Christianity, Hindu, and Buddhist have some solidity just due to the sheer number of people who participated in that
‘consensus’ conscious reality. They exist because people want to go there.
Rome and Greece still exist there. Every nation and culture and age exists there. There is an ideal 1950s America, and the evil America, and likely the really real, as described in The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap, by Stephanie Coontz. AN academic world and mystic world, every world every soul needs. Maybe even a Jurassic park world.
Maybe a variety of hells…
Yay! There is an actual chance I get beamed up permanently! You hear that, Gene. Transport now, please. Please be TOS or TNG… Or my fanfiction…
Fiction isn’t created, but remote viewed
There is another way to see fiction. What if people aren’t being creative directly, but are remote viewing other worlds and realms and simply reporting back what they see?
The worlds we dream of every night are solid and real. There is a solidity to the dreaming experience that is inescapable. On waking you may experience immense joy, and if that doesn’t wake you up, you can alter the dream- but you never have total control. There is another there, helping to maintain the integrity of the worlds you find yourself in. There is always a sense of continuity, even while jumping through the discontinuity of a data stream. Every object in a dream has layers, and multiple dimensionality, and you could latch on to one and find yourself spun through multiple realities. Something participates with us to minimize spin. Dolores Cannon and Michael Newton call these spirit guides. Anthony Peake calls it the Daemon. Robert Wagoner, author of Lucid Dreaming: Gateways to Inner Self, calls it your higher self.
What if the subconscious is actually an entity working with you and for you for soul development? The Id, Ego, and Superego are essentially the two angels on your shoulders. One is the grounding, physical instinct, the other is an archetype of morality. The ego is you. The idealized you isn’t the absence of ego, but integration of the three states- so there is data and restricted impulse reaction, there is you experiencing- making choices, and there is a distribution set of understanding how the choice you make affects you, others, and everything. When it’s balanced, there is health. Being completely run by super-ego could be as problematic as being completely Id driven.
Consciousness Seems to be a Part of This
There seems to be no way out of escaping consciousness as part of the system we are in. If the galaxy is teeming with life, as suggested by numerous authors, but especially here in this book I am reading by Cannon, the continuum is from physical, corporeal beings like us, scattered throughout the galaxy, to the other end of the spectrum- beings of light, and many levels in between. Though we may be temporarily shielded in flesh, it would appear that this is merely a
device utilized for our maturation as souls. Our best learning opportunities come when we are immersed in the drama of life without knowing our home base.
Some of us have clear ideas and knowledge of home. I frequently assumed people who had experience and the confidence that comes from knowing there is another place were the more advanced souls, helping the rest of us. I wonder if we have that backwards. What if the experiencers are the youngest among us, and they needed that extra comfort level in order to stay focused on their work. Those of us who don’t have experiences, never see UFOs, don’t have a ghost story, or a spiritual experience, well- you’re the advanced soul doing the PhD dissertation in a world that though seems completely nuts, everything is designed and playing out exactly as it should.
From this perspective, the world is okay. Trust your guides and God or the universe, everything is as it should be.
Still, you can’t avoid wondering
In the absence of knowing, I feel like I muck things up more than necessary.
Is there a chance I may have complicated my trajectory by participating in tulpamancy, the intentional creation of mental artifacts? Creating a tulpa and a world in which we frequently meet up, where others live- very cool, but also- it’s a serious responsibility. I would never dream of undoing it. I have sometimes thought of undoing it. You can suppress a memory, but you can really never make it go away. These worlds I have indulged in, gone as far as sharing- they may not have as much solidity as say Rodenberry or Lucas worlds, but they are not completely insubstantial, either. Loxy, she is pretty solid to me. I have the word of three others who have experienced her as I.
As an aside analog, we know that false memories can be created under hypnosis by someone untrained or being intentionally leading. People could go their entire life believing a lie. They could know it’s a lie, and still struggle. Trauma in itself can bifurcate into multiple cognitive channels of information, often conflicting in nature. Multiple personalities can emerge or be created. In the past, people tried to integrate them into one, which seemed to make the subject more unstable. Now the goal of Dissociative Identity Disorder is to increase coherence between personality sets, and seems to get better results.
Plurality is a real thing, and just makes you wonder, if there is an afterlife- do all personalities go? Is personality the soul, or is personality the interface soul develops for interacting with a complex universe. Maybe that’s why we need to reincarnate- the Universe is huge, and in exploring we need multiple modalities for interacting with all there is.
Maybe, these things I have created within me will remain contained in me, like all the dreams I ever had. Or maybe, I pushed a new reality, and I am now the access point to all these new worlds. Maybe that’s why UFOs abduct certain people- abductees are the portals to the varied realms! Or maybe, here in this school of creation, I just laid the blueprint for worlds yet to come.
I work with others to create the worlds we will all inherit. We’re doing it now, right here, just talking. This Medium is a pathway for consensus and changing paradigms.
The thing about the book referenced above, there are more wondrously puzzling statements, all uttered in a trance state- utterances that the core personality would have never said. They often are surprised by what comes out of them. Or dismissive, as if ‘It felt like a dream.’ Other statements like“…Consciousness is there whether you believe it or not…” Well, yeah, why would you say that, oh because neural science questions the reality of consciousness? I was also interested in the idea that because you can’t un-create something, it remains forever in your psyche, influencing you directly and subtly. The only thing you can do is retreat from it, or not think of it. The person or world idea you intentionally created still doesn’t go away, but instead as you withdraw, it becomes more autonomous- “… it would then have a consciousness of its own…”
Again, I don’t think I would abandon my worlds- but I do have to sometimes focus on this world.
I have to work, for example. I have evidence Loxy doesn’t hibernate in between our visiting the other world. Subtle things change, like I might arrive to find a new season has begun. But then again, how many worlds and ideas did I put into all those notebooks I have filled since I started writing, around the age of six? What are they doing? What are those people up to? Is there that younger version of me still in that dream? Will I find myself when I go sorting my past?
How many dreams or daydreams did you put down on paper? Does that make it more real than the fleeting thoughts of our daily existence? Are they fleeting, or are they more substantial than we realize? What have I done in consensus with fellow collaborators, direct and indirect? What worlds await my return? One or many? How many people would like me to continue participating in those things I helped create? The second coming isn’t about Jesus returning, but all of us returning to coral our past and become the artist and story tellers we are.
May I be rushed by angels to increase my wisdom, so that I am not found to be the child below: