Daydreaming Your Way to Health and Prosperity by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

You’ve Forgotten Who You Are

You’ve probably heard someone say, ‘everybody is psychic.’ Everyone channels is an extension to that.

What if you could prove to yourself that you’re psychic? Would you want to know? Would you consider it a while or dive right in? How you view the world changes how you respond to the world. If the world is a fearful place, you endeavor to protect yourself. If you find the world loving, you respond in kind. How might realizing you’re channeling change your life?

Art by Leonardo AI

Your world view is the most important aspect to counseling. Victims and survivors are born from the same tragedy. You are neither of these labels. These are simply descriptors of vectors. One denotes heaviness and downward momentum, the other denotes lightness and upwards movement.

You are not the words you use to describe yourself, nor the words others describe you with.

Words, as Shakespeare is famously quoted for, are neither good nor bad, but thinking makes them so.

The sky is the sky. Labeling the sky blue limits it. It’s never just blue. There are more tones of blue available in just one corner of the sky than an artist’s palette that’s diffused all the discernable shades of blue across his workspace. Your ability to discern blue may also be culturally limited, as evidenced by studies that show Russians see more shades of blue than other cultures.

I interject an aside here that I find interesting, which indicates where this will end. People who have had Near Death Experiences often report there are more tones and colors than anything in our lives on Earth. What if that’s not a function of what is available, but that as we shed our body, we also start shedding cultural limitations that restrict our ability to see what is?

There is correspondence with what we see and with brain activity. All the variety of blue is available to the eye, but the brain sees what it is trained to see. Still, you are no more your brain than you are the thoughts that pass through your brain.

You are not the personality any more than you are your brain. If you allow for reincarnation and past lives, or simultaneous lives, or a multiverse with variations, you are no more those variations of personality than you are this one. If you believe personality is fixed, then how do you explain people who had brain injuries suddenly manifest artistic or musical abilities that they were never taught previously?

The beings we truly are are not in the system. The physical universe is a system. Some say it’s a simulation. Some say it is an intelligent system with its own personality! We are using, manipulating, controlling, participating in a system, the same way people play Call of Duty. We are not the controller, the signal, the gaming console, the internet, or the vast array of connectivity with other players.

Some have argued they can’t measure that connection; therefore, this idea must be false. Can a character in a video game ever realize someone is pushing buttons and levers to regulate their behavior?

In the game, all the dialogue is pre-written, but it doesn’t mean the game is predetermined.

If not the signal, then what are we?

In space time, a signal is evidence of a past event in spacetime. Throw a stone into the pool.

Ripples move out from where the stone impacted the water. You are not the stone. You are not the water. You are not the ripples.

How might one argue for this? Well, how much water did you drink today? How much did you piss away? So clearly, you are not that. The stone is more static than any substance in your body,

which also is replaced daily. You are not that. You are not the whirlwind of activity that these stones and water are making.

A neural scientist is likely to argue this is all you are, you are predetermined, and you have no choice. You have no more choice than a tornado roaming across the landscape, tossing houses like Stitch having a mad go at the city he made.

If we are not the flesh, or the water, and by extension also not the air, who or what are we? I can poke around in muddy water with a stick and discern the types of structures beyond my sight by the feel of the sensations telegraphed through the pole, but I am not the hidden surface, the pole, or the information that is registered in the brain. I am not the conclusion that resulted from dragging that stick through the murky mud.

As a soul, I have somehow aligned myself in some way to have an influence on this body. It seems likely, we start as infants in order to better influence the matter, the crystallization of energy, so that it is in tune with me, and not others. We have called it incarnating, but maybe that’s a mistake. We are clearly capable of non-local visions, so we’re never completely here, either.

I see this to be similar to a botanist sculpting a Bonsai tree. The botanist works with the existing tools and nature to reflect the living lightning modeled in the form of a tree.

You are not the body. You are not the energy that regulates the organs. You are not the data stored locally in the brain.

Your body isn’t even channeling you. You are channeling a personality through interacting with a body the way botanists shape the Bonsai.

Your body is not channeling you. You are channeling you through the art which is the body. The body, again, is just water and rocks. It is no more you than the sand painting the monks deliberated over for days is them. It is all too soon completed, swept up, and returned to the wind.

If DNA are crystals and they resonate with you, well, fair enough! It’s reasonable to say a finely tuned crystal radio resonates with a particular frequency of radio waves. There is more to be had, but that crystal is for one only. Again, to be clear, though, the radio signal is also not you. Radio signals are the repercussions of something impacting space/time, not the thing we should identify with which exists outside of space/time.

When people have NDEs, they don’t just relive their lives, but they live the lives of those they influenced… You hit someone in your life. In the life review, you are suddenly hit- with all the shock and wonder and pain and what the heck.

Even presently, your own body isn’t always you!

Dissociation is the equivalent of signal loss. You are not your brain. You’re not the cell, the atoms, or even the energy running through the cells. The electricity running through the radio isn’t the sound it’s projecting, nor is it the signal it captured from the air. The signal, the carrier wave, simply carried the message imposed on it at another physical source, and, technically, in the terms of physics, is also a measurable, physical part of the system- the universal system.

So, if we are not this, then what?

It’s worth asking, but perhaps not answerable? So, I can argue that tulpamancy is evidence for your personality not being you. People have made tulpas to switch out with that personality, while the host personality takes a permanent vacation in some magical wonderland.

It so happens, there are reports of people having walk-ins, where a soul that was particularly despondent tapped out, but another soul seeing the worthiness of that personality, that character, then a new actor takes over the role so that personality/body/role isn’t ended.

Acting seems like a great metaphor for life. We as people learn life lessons vicariously from watching movies. We learn from re-enactments. We see actors and actresses playing many roles.

They are not roles they play. Some really fit their roles. We asked them to reprise their roles because we agree, this role is so you!

It’s really hard to be angry with Margaret Hamilton for being a very convincing wicked witch. If I ever needed a villain in life, she could do the trick.

I am sure Hamilton brought something to the role. I am also certain she is not the script that was written for her. In the process of creating things, we can improvise along the way. In one scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harrison was scripted to fight an enemy with a whip. It was something like fifteen pages long. Harrison is not a whip master. Indiana Jones is. It was hot, they were filming in a desert, Harrison had a fever, he was tired, it was another retake, and suddenly-Harrison made a face, pulled out his revolver, and shot the bad guy.

The actor being the bad guy played along. It worked out! It was great. They kept the scene! You can watch it today.

We are often not the heroes and villains in a production. It may be the entire Earth is not production for us, but for some souls that really needed help mastering a particular subject.

Everyone in the movie, even the extras, are crucial to making the story believable. Perhaps the extreme, radical oppositions in the political system, and polarity found in other human endeavors is just evidence of scripts that allow for character allegiance to themes be more obvious.

In games like Fable, and Knights of the Old Republic, good and bad results in consequences.

Like the Wizard of Oz, bad is always associated with ugly. “Only bad witches are ugly,” said Glenda. Well, that is so dishonest that it results in more ‘bad’ being born. “Only Siths deal in maxims,” said Obi Wan. Well, Obi, that’s a maxim, isn’t it? ‘You killed my father, prepare to die.’

We learn from stories. Earth is a story. The final chapter is not written in stone, because we, the beings in the show, have made a consensual agreement that this is not the way the story ends. We want it to end with love and gardens and Star Trek space travel.

We can’t know that ending directly because knowing it might make us spoil the show for others.

I suspect this is precisely the reason I am not given greater access to the backstage- I’d be breaking script.

Now, I have had some interventions, moments where I was taken off set and reminded- John, it’s just a script. You are not that, or even this.

Sometimes I remember that. I am comforted by that.

Then sometimes, I am tired, I am hot, I have a fever, I am sad, and I am missing my damn revolver! I don’t even have a whip.

Then again, I am not channeling Indiana Jones. That’s Harrison’s baby. I am not channeling you!

That’s your job. I get to channel me. Simple, smart, unsophisticated, little old me.


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