Daydreaming Your Way to Health and Prosperity by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

the Dangers of Exploring Consciousness Paradigms

Meditation, on the whole, seems fairly benign at best, but comes with quite a bit of research that says it’s helpful. You rarely hear people say, it can come with dangers. Just practicing mindfulness exercises, being involved with thinking about consciousness on a daily basis, whether it’s UFOs, ghosts, magic rituals, and or mild exercises that lead to the increase chances of having lucid dreams or out of body experiences can result in some crazy conscious experiences that may cause you to question your reality and sanity!

Not to say I want you to worry. It’s not like cultivating these experiences will kill you. Pretty sure. I mean, we don’t hear from those folks who died in a dream, or because that vampire sitting on your chest was actually a ghost and not sleep paralysis, or those shadow people that you ignored once too often got irritated with you and took you out.

Lots of folks advise people not to take up Ouija Boards. There is even a disclaimer at the Tulpa Website advising people with mental health problems to consider not engaging!

I am of the opinion that if these strange, paranormal things are real, I would rather know them and take them on straight, as opposed to walking around with my head down in fear. Will I get squashed? Maybe. Eventually life takes us all out.

And if a person does have a mental health condition in which they sometimes have auditory or visual hallucinations, I have wondered if cultivating tulpas and invisible counselors is the very ticket they need to find stability! If you have uncontrolled hallucinations, but you learn you can induce them at will, or have benign or friendly experiences, doesn’t that counter the negative ones? That question led me to explore if I could induce hallucinations through medications.

I was successful. I had other motives, too.

I was tired of being afraid all the time. It is true, some of the folks that get into trouble usually do so because they’re not well informed! Who among us can be truly informed when we live in a society that doesn’t talk about this stuff to a greater degree? The ancient societies seemed to be better informed about the hidden lives we live. We dismiss that too easily as the fantasy of their time, but it’s not like they were creating serial dramas like we do. They taught each other how to engage the mystical.

None of us are taught to engage. We go to church and they tell us what to believe, as opposed to,

‘just do this and we’ll discuss your experience when you get back.’

I want to introduce you to an intelligent, and completely mundane, scientist type, so particularly science oriented you might say he was a materialist. He shared a ‘crazy’ experience on his podcast, 2022. I don’t think his story was the April fool’s joke, partly because Nolan shared his experience, and he had shared that same experience elsewhere.

This exercise is not to ridicule him, or disparage him in any way. His experience was frightful.

The experience itself, and the self assessment that he had lost his mind were all too real and frightening. His podcast explores the fringes of science and the paranormal, but in his entire life, he was never prepared for having an experience.

After his experience his conclusion was, he should spend more time in the real world.

And now, he reverently speaks with caution, a new found level of respect- there is something more than what we understand from our daily grind, personality interface with society. Our social personality is not even the real world personality.

Jaimungal puts out a lot of podcasts, so forgive me if this seems untimely.

Theories of Everything Podcast, with Curt Jaimungal.

UAP Evidence and Psychedelic Forces | Garry Nolan, episode found below. ChapterSeriously

studying consciousness / UFOs is mentally traumatic, if you want to go right to the artifact that is resulting in this essay, Jaimungal reports having an experiential episode. It is my opinion, you would be wrong to call it a psychotic break, but in truth- what other language do we have in our society that allows normal people to have experiences outside the norm?

If you watch enough of Jaimungal’s shows, you can discern for yourself that he is a serious student who simply wants to understand the world. He is a film producer, he is above average in math, and is well educated and knowledgeable about physics and quantum mechanics. Not someone who just pretends to know, he really is educated and his podcasts include some of the

most top people in academic and theoretical research in the world. Garry Nolan, his guest in this episode, is one of those top scientists that is literally changing the world.

I’m going to summarize Jaimungal’s experience, but I recommend you hear his sharing of it. I recommend this whole video. Jaimungal was typing something. He became aware of his typing.

He became aware that he was not typing, but that his fingers were typing. He questioned his experience and heard a voice say, “Yeah, you thought you were the one in control.” He freaked out, and went to the hospital. The voice told him, “Maybe the crazy ones aren’t crazy!”

Gary Nolan then goes on to share his experience, which I will visit below. Nolan didn’t think Jaimungal’s experience was weird at all. I don’t either. I have had my share of weird, from out of body to lucid dreams, and intentionally induced episodes of encounters and going places that are often more real than Earth life.

I have heard many strange things from people.

It can’t be understated that humans don’t operate in real time. Our conscious experience, per the neural scientists, lags reality anywhere from 80 milliseconds to 10 whole seconds, depending on the study referenced and the task at hand.

So, allow that to be solid real in your mind. Imagine any task you might be doing, such as typing, playing the piano, and or cutting an onion. Cutting the onion, did you ever hear your own voice say, “you’re going to cut yourself” and the next thing you did was cut yourself? I would bet you cut yourself before you were aware of cutting yourself! A really good pianist sometimes feel transported, as their body plays without them. It’s not an accident that it’s called a fugue state.

We drive cars on autopilot. More often than not, we are on autopilot in every activity we do, unless we’re learning to do something and then we are closer to real time, conscientious intentions on being refined and deliberate. This time delay allows a nice explanation for the materialist to explain what just happened to Jaimungal. He was typing. He was also thinking about his words and crafting them. It is likely that what he wanted to say was already deliberated and final, but his consciousness is reviewing it… And for whatever reason, the Jaimungal he thinks he is became aware of typing speed and that the words coming were not of him from him, and the more he became aware, the more separated he became- not because of ‘dissociation’ but because for the first time he became aware of ‘real-time’ with his unconscious self.

This is evidence for an interaction with what some have called the Daemon. It could be the voice was his Daemon, or his soul. It could be that he has a personality that does most of his writing.

We have all kinds of hats that we wear in society, and so, he has his thinking cap and his public, dialogue hat, and his husband hat, and his producer hat… And he just met the guy that wears the typing hat.

We only think we’re in charge of our lives, but more often than not someone else is driving the car, and we’re just along for the ride. This doesn’t mean we don't have a choice or can’t be in control, but how can we be in control when most of the time we’re either worried about the past, or daydreaming about the future?

This is a Yoda moment- “Never your mind on where you were or what you were doing!” Yeah, we label people that are crazy that are having experiences, but what if their only problem was they can’t ‘dissociate’ as well as we so-called normal people. Normal people are dissociated from reality more often than not.

Daydreaming about the past? Dissociation? Daydreaming about the future? Dissociation.

Rehearsing that argument you’re going to have? Are you cross examining the person you had a problem with yesterday as you prepare to confront them again? Dissociation.

Rarely are we in real time.

Philip K Dick tells many stories that fit this pattern. So does Carl Jung. So does Napoleon Hill!

So does Terrence McKenna, but I am telling you- you do not have to do drugs in order to have experiences. You just have to slow your verbal mind and be ultra aware in the moment, and suddenly- you travel as if you had pushed pause on the movie of your life.

Gary Nolan’s share

In that same part of the video, Nolan shares his experience at 3 am with the vibrations. The vibrations have been discussed by Robert Monroe, William Buhlman, Thomas Campbell, and many others. It can be the precursor to an out of body experience. It can be intense, as if you’re literally being blasted into space on a Saturn V.

This experience can vary in intensity. I have experienced it mildly, pulsating from toe to scalp. In some ways, Nolan’s experience seems to match that. I have experienced so intense I thought my teeth might break from the rattling.

Nolan heard a voice, “This is how you connect.”

Which brings me to this what-if question. What if out of body, isn’t an out of body thing at all, but a connection, or a change of awareness that feels like traveling? Maybe consciousness is the equivalent of a matrix, and one doesn’t need an avatar to navigate the realms, and switching realms is as easy as changing your from one web page to another.

This explanation might also, necessarily, mean that no matter what our frame of reference is, we’re not alone, as it takes a multitude of specialized personality sets to navigate various frames of existence. You don’t come to earth without a personality. Some of us seem more rigid in our personalities than others. Some are probably way too fluid, and society can’t handle them, either.

If you dream, I guarantee that you're not in charge of scripting the dream. You only need one lucid dream to realize you are not alone.

And so, most of us live on this edge of not quite ‘out there,’ but not quite here, either. We’re the fringe walkers, the friend’s of shadows, and the shamans that society needs, but they wrote us off too quickly.

They actually need us, because when science catches up to the fact that physical reality is not the only game in town, and we’re not alone, there are going to be a lot of folks in need of shamans and Jungian therapists.

Just ask Jaimungal. Be very careful with the word crazy, because you’re just one crack away from falling through this very thin layer of ice we think of as the veil. Alice’s adventures in wonderland have nothing on where your Daemon could take you.

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