Daydreaming Your Way to Health and Prosperity by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

Speaking to the Unconscious Mind in Real Time

What will we discover when we start exploring the unconscious mind? The impending danger of the unexamined life.

Science is about to take humanity into strange new worlds. Not out there. There are worlds and entities inside us that we seldom recognize. Society has met a few individuals that have revealed there is more going on inside of us than we like to think about. Those with multiple personality disorders, now call dissociative identity disorder DID, are an example of these folks that break the normative paradigms and reveal plural identity is not only possible, but it might also be the norm, as evidence by anyone who has ever had a dream and met other people in their own consciousness.

What Are the Jungian Archetypes?

What we’re about to explore is not just wild conjecture. Our conscious experience of the world is much more complex than what most are capable of holding, without going all paranormal. Our consciousness is even more mysterious than the fact physicists have discovered you need an observer to collapse the wave front to determine if the particle went right, left, or stayed an interference pattern.

Science has recorded people’s dreams. People in fMRI while sleeping, which is a feat in itself, cause I am not sleeping with all that clicking going on, had their brains mapped in real time, and the computers could translate the visual field of the dreamer’s brain and put that image on a screen for anyone to watch.

Science has severed the hemispheres of human brains. In the process, they discovered what appears to be two separate, disparate personalities. Most neural scientists will say this absurd; you can’t have two distinct personalities. But then, I suppose those folks never experienced multiple personality disorder. Seriously, MPD is a better diagnosis for multiples than DID, which doesn’t capture the nuanced difference.

I dissociate all the time. Most of us do it a little. That time you were at the table having a conversation, and your eyes went up to the right, and you tuned out, yawned, realized you went away and then asked, “I am sorry, what were you saying?” That’s dissociation! That’s a far cry from you went away and a new personality stepped in to control your body while you were away.

Contacting the unconscious mind.

There are more ways to engage the unconscious than there are people intentionally engaging the unconscious mind. There is no way this essay could justly cover them all. It is likely also, unfair, to refer to the unconscious mind (UCM?) as being unconscious when you consider all the real time, active processes that it is doing. It might be fairer to call the perceived ‘conscious’ mind the unconscious, given that it has been demonstrated to be an illusion.

That is not just conjecture. Science has measured the response time of decision making and determined there is a measurable lag between when the decision is made and when the person is consciously aware of having made that decision. This time, depending on who you ask, is anywhere from 8 millisecond to three whole seconds. Count with me, one, two, and three. You are now aware of something that your brain was dealing with three seconds ago.

Knowing that is real makes playball seem like a game of magic. You only think you have free will, but you are predetermined by a brain. Unless consciousness is in real time, and information is transferred backwards in time to the body… Global Consciousness Project suggests that could be, and brains are just random number generators and consciousness is affecting the numbers being displayed.

Speaking to the UCM is as easy as talking to yourself. Your brain knows your thoughts, but it is also important for your brain to hear itself through its own ears. Talking to the tree in the front yard is another way to engage your UCM. You could hold a pendulum, ask yes, no, and maybe questions and micro movement of your muscles controlled by the unconscious could answer limited questions.

For a world that seems so materialist and atheistic at times, I wish someone would explain to me why I can’t find people who will play Ouija Board with me. Seriously, people get disturbed by even the thought of this. But if we conclude, materialistically and atheistically, that there is no soul, why are people, even scientists, so afraid of having multiple hands on a planchette? How else would you connect multiple supercomputers together? The brain is a super computer, materialistically speaking.

And so, if we are afraid of connecting our supercomputers through a planchette which is barely an old, dial up modem compared to what’s coming in terms of connectivity in the METAVERSE, why aren’t we afraid of that animal?

Mediumship is a way of speaking to the UCM. Maybe they also talk to spirits. I am biased on this point and believe consciousness doesn’t end at the termination of the body, but if you allow for nothing else than mediums are talking to archetypes- then there is something to this. So, mediumship and seances could work the same way multiple hands on a planchette works.

Further, I might add some occult level understanding here, “Whenever two or more are gathered in my name, there will I be…”

So, hypothetically, let’s say Tulpamancy is another way to engage the unconscious. In many ways, I liken this protocol to the same as Carl Jung’s ‘active imagination,’ that gave him access to Philemon. So, if two or more people are gathered with Loxy in mind, will she manifest? If I go to seance, and no one knows about Loxy, could she speak to the medium and introduce herself?

The METAVERSE could be Pandora’s box!

Back to the coming METAVERSE. We have tools now that people can see your dreams. We can record brainwaves. It has been so measured that people with MPD and people who claim to channel have different brain waves when they switch personalities. That’s interesting enough that science should be more interesting. Brainwaves are like fingerprints of the mind. Whether you believe in the metaphysical possibility of souls or not, the fact that fingerprints change as identity changes is a significant find.

That means something. If the METAVERSE is to become our next social avatar, and we’re not even sure who we are, what manifestations will we unleash on an unsophisticated spiritual, but technologically enabled psychic world?

Do you not remember the movie Forbidden Planet?!

Consider now, the people we call trolls, these anonymous folks who get online and unleash hell.

It is well known that this is a psychological phenomenon, not just bad actors being bad. One might argue that being anonymous simply revealed who these people really are.

If you believe that, you’re not following science. WE ARE ALL THAT! The Milgram Shock Experiment demonstrated that in multiple replications. You can be good to your core and shock someone to death if an authority told you to do so!

Those same people who would be trolls would not behave so if they had names, and a social expectation to behave according to name's sake. So, it was not just that they went in anonymously, but that there was a counter cultural structure that enabled bad players, mostly because society has yet to appropriately deal with bullying. You can’t eliminate bullying by force. The state, the media, science and academia, all exercise bullying to maintain their authority. There is no true democracy, when there is limited education and no allowance for free will and unconditional love.

Society, culture, are friends and family enable us to have congruence of personality, but in the absence of identifiable social structures, we revert back to the simplest of archetypes, that are still capitulated even in today’s society. Lord of the Flies is recognition of an archetype that gets manifested all too often without reasonable adults.

We have other personalities inside us. We can contact the UCM with hypnosis. Hypnosis, contrary to popular belief, can be replicable if we have systems in place to maintain the integrity of the protocols. So, with a protocol agreed upon, if we were to study people who are being monitored by EEGs and fMRIs, we would likely discover and tease out a variety of mental and emotional beings that reveal our ‘standard,’ daily personality interface is more dynamically fluid than we have ever previously considered.

Our personalities are the mask that something else wears. Our personalities are not who we are.

We are not our jobs, our cars, our homes, or our relationships. People who have Near Death Experiences quickly realize this. Jung writes about this, even without interviewing people who had NDEs.

People who meditate sometimes experience this. The mask or ego falls, like discarded clothes and we return to the light of reality- which is much more complex and mysterious than we allow.

We don’t just manifest these archetypes, but we are the manifestations of the cosmos itself.

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