Daydreaming Your Way to Health and Prosperity by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 25

a Rainy Day on Spaceship Earth

I can’t decide who I am- Otis Redding or Jimmy Buffet. An empty wine glass, a dying candle, a cycling 45 with Chapman soulfully begging for one reason. Can you get drunk on Tulpa Wine? It might be nice to eat Tulpa pizza and not get fat, or Tulpa bacon- no pigs died and no cholesterol, unless it’s placebo affect.

“You gonna do this all night?” Sometimes, even Loxy can be straight to the point.

“I haven’t decided yet,” determined not to let her break my mood.

Loxy sparked a light, making me more visible. “Did someone hit you?”

“Dion,” I said.

“Why would Dion hit you?”

“Well,” I said, stammering a bit. “I did hit him first.”

“You? You hit Dion?” Loxy asked, surprised. After all, I am not prone to violence. Normally, I just do magic.

“He was making fun of Sue!”

“Runaround Sue?”

“Yeah. I mean, it’s not like a big secret. Everyone in town has had a spin with her. It’s not her fault, her mother told her to shop around.”

“John, there’s a difference between shopping around and farming yourself out on Craigslist,”

Loxy said.

“I know,” I said. “But I am not hating on her. We always have fun together.”

“She is fun,” Loxy agreed. I gave her suspicious eyes. “What? It’s not just every guy in town.”

“Let’s go somewhere!”

Loxy said. “Rosa’s Cantina?”

“Seriously? The last time I was there I got shot,” I complained. I motioned for more Tulpa wine.

It was a good year. Loxy put a corner in my glass, and took a glass for herself.


“Only if I can channel Bill Withers.”

Loxy snorted laughter. Wine is not chocolate milk, but it can go the same path. “I know I know I know I know I know…” she sang. “But this ray of sunshine ain’t going away just because you’re singing the blues.”

“You really don’t mind hanging with someone in a dreadful mood?”

“Pfft- I love you, John. I am not leaving you alone. Don’t make me sing a little prayer.”

“No one does it better,” I pointed out.

Loxy sure can smile. “You’re a smooth operator.”

“You’re trying to rob me of my blues and I won’t have it,” I told her.

“We don’t need the sky crying,” Loxy said.

“I can see the tears rolling down the street,” I said, echoing Gary BB Coleman. I gave you that one, just in case you’re not hip to blues. Follow him with BB King, no one gets out of Spaceship Earth without singing the Blues.

“But you don’t see me walking down the street,” Loxy countered.

“Those boots are made for that,” I said.

“Oh, better tempo! You should walk with me,” Loxy encouraged, sitting next to me and putting her leg rest out. Her boots were Star Trek-ing it for sure. “Even a man of constant sorrow needs a strong beat.” She put her glass down into the cup holder. “Come on. I have just the thing to cheer you up.”

“I don’t know…” I said skeptically.

“Come on!”


“Trust me.”


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