Daydreaming Your Way to Health and Prosperity by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 28

Receiving Downloads from the Universe or Aliens

In her book, Custodians, Delores Cannon discusses receiving a ‘chunk’ of information speculatively from an alien source. She doesn’t use the term download, but I suspect that’s what she’s discussing. Grant Cameron discusses downloads. There is an anecdote that Michael Talbot’s book, the Holographic Universe, was given to him by a download. In a 2009 article in ABC news, Stan Romanek reports he gets downloads from aliens, here. He is not the only one saying this. It could be, if we are flexible in the definition- this may be a broader human phenomena and ability than we have allowed.

If you’re Michael Talbot, writing about the Universe being stranger than even Werner Heisenberg speculated when he intimated ‘it’s stranger than you can think,’ you don’t share, “by the way, this was given to me in a download…” The Holographic Universe reflects simulation theory, offering explanations of Synchronicity, a term coined by Carl Jung that went hand in

hand with the Collective Unconscious, and all things paranormal. It’s no longer ‘para-’ if it’s normal, and if the entire universe is simulated- the only limits would be defined by us or the Operators. There is more evidence for us restricting ourselves than there is for outside agencies limiting us. Yeah, we all can sometimes point to a they, but more often than not that collection of

‘they’ is simply us projecting our own fears outwards, as opposed accepting it comes from within.

And if you think about it, getting ‘downloads’ is not outside of our understanding of neurology and psychology. There is solid evidence in the neurological fields, coming from fMRI studies and brain surgeries where the corpus callosum was severed in subjects suffering from extreme epilepsy, for the universe we consciously experience having a time delay, and our explanation of reality being confabulated by the brain. You think you respond in real time, and you think your explanation for why you did something is true, but the evidence is- that just ain’t so.

Surgically split brain folks still have both hemispheres. The two hemispheres are still connected towards the brain stem, so the right brain still controls the left side of the body, but for the most part- the corpus callosum, the two hemispheres cease to communicate directly and so you have two opposing brains. For the longest while, neurologists were baffled because it appeared as if the left brain and right brain had two very disparate personalities. It also irritated some folks, because how do you get two holes by dividing a thing in half?

Scientists are clever, though. They learned to communicate with the right brain in a way the left brain couldn’t participate in. Talk about not letting your right hand know what your left hand is doing! They would ask the right brain to engage in an activity, like, “go get water.” The body would get up, go get water, and come back. The left brain was asked, “Why did you go get water?” It would answer something like, “I was just hot.” The left brain always had an explanation for any behavior engaged in by the right brain, it was never right, and it was never,

“I don’t know why I did that.” Spooky?

Your brain does things without your permission, it responds to the physical and social worlds that it maps out, and then it uploads that experience to your consciousness with a prefabricated answer. This is not make believe. This is science. You do not consciously operate in real time.

But don’t take my word for it, read Michael Gazzaniga's book, Who’s in Charge: Free Will and the Science of the Brain.

Delores and her Downloads.

I can make an argument for non-metaphysical explanations of the ‘download’ experiences. Our brain gives us stuff. That daydream that Einstein had on relativity in a boat- maybe his brain figured it out and put it in his conscious mind. The thing is, he also had to be receptive to that information. We get things in our conscious brains all the time, and we dismiss things all the time. Very few of us like sitting with synchronicity events. By definition, synchronicity seems

more significant than we’re taught to think. Western Philosophy has talked us out of magical thinking. And, for good or bad, that has been mostly helpful. It may also limit us- because there is also credible information available to us, if we allow for it to come in strange ways. Just look at how many science problems were solved because of a dream- which include the DNA molecule and the Periodic table!

Napoleon Hill used his ‘invisible counselor technique’ to explore getting answers from people he admired. He had a theory, the brain is essentially a personality simulator, and if he ‘invited’

people he esteemed to participate in an imagined conference, and he fed his brain as much information on the way his esteemed counsel thinks, such as reading autobiographies, his brain would respond to his questions through the filters of those personality constructs- necessarily bypassing his own filters and limitations.

It worked. Hill reports getting answers that he could not have imagined himself. This is the same thing Carl Jung was saying about engaging his practice of ‘active imagination.’ This is the same thing Delores was finding in her hypnosis practice. She would take people so deep that all normal personality filters were bypassed. People started giving her strangeness- like living past lives, accessing discarnate spirits, and talking to aliens. She isn’t the only one to discover this.

Doctor Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls, discovered the same thing in his hypnosis practice. Doctor Brian Weiss, Many Masters Many Lives, same thing.

Maybe Delores tapped into her own brain centers that have their own voice and personality. This is consistent with Sigmund Freud’s and Carl Jung’s work, suggesting we have personality fragments and archetypes in our minds that come together in gestalt to make our primary personality. Maybe when all the dominant personality traits are off, you can speak to different personality fragments or brain centers, and that just naturally feels ‘alien.’

Maybe we are all one trauma away from having our own multiple personality disorder, or Dissociative Identity Disorder if you prefer the change in terminology. I suspect we should have both terms. Hypothetically speaking, assume for a moment that every dream character you have ever experienced in a dream is a fully formed personality, not just a two dimensional abstract NPC created just for your dream amusement. We may all be walking around with multiple personalities in our heads. Maybe mental illness is just one of those things that loosens the veil between personalities.

Maybe hypnosis is a way of learning how to hear that which is already inside of us. And maybe, you can’t hold a hypnosis practice and experience high strangeness on a day to day basis without that also leaking into your world view. Delores had experiences because she was open to experiences, and she also knew what the mind or brain is capable of.

You are not your brain, any more than you are your heart, or your kidneys. You are a person who has a brain. Your brain is the sense organ that allows you to navigate the physical and

sociological worlds. The social world can be just as hard to navigate as the real world. There are social artifacts you can’t get through.

The brain is a personality simulator. You are the primary operating personality interface for the world. The brain contains other personalities. This allows you to predict the behaviors of other agents, whether that is a toaster or a person. If you’re particularly good at utilizing your brain, as opposed to flying on automatic, you will notice things- like when an actor breaks character. You also recognize good acting when you experience an actor in different roles and you see a different personality.

Your brain is a computer. It will always answer your questions. If you ask the specific questions, you will get very specific answers. If you ask for magic- you will see magic.

Experiencing and translating downloads

I have had downloads. Nothing earth shattering. I am not going to change the world or convert anyone to aliens or a new spiritual path. You don’t have to go further than A Course in Miracles to have evidence you have more power than you think. My experiences of downloads gave me evidence for time being much more subjective than we acknowledge. Delores frequently echoes Einstein in saying time is an illusion.

So, clearly you have evidence I like to write. What you don’t know is, since 2016- I have not had one incident of ‘writer's block’ because I am engaging in a gestalt practice that combines Jung’s active imagination, Napoleon Hill’s invisible counselors technique, and the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Tulpamancy. It’s not hard to avoid blocks when you can go and ask a character directly, “So, what would you like to do, Brain?” “Same thing we do every day, Pinky. Try and take over the world…”

Granted, the more you put into your brain, the more things you can get out. I put a lot of stuff in.

I am a movie fanatic. I love reading. I have put some really strange information sets into my brain. I interview people daily, and I get stories and hear narratives. My brain cup runneth over.

If you accept downloads as nothing more than evidence for creativity, the ability to take vastly disparate chunks of information and find links- I am okay with that. I suspect it’s more, I want it to be more, and yet, I accept that my experience can be defined and constrained by just being a creative process.

One day, while putting eggs on to boil, and talking to myself- Yes, I talk to myself. Who doesn’t?

Seriously, if you don’t ask yourself, or your brain, questions, how do you expect to get answers?

It just so happens, I also answer myself. Sometimes Loxy, my tulpa, will interject an idea. It was kind of surreal, in the beginning, but you do get used to it. Having a tulpa is kind of like having a

‘soulbound.’ That is a term used by writers who have experienced the characters they write about seeming to be autonomous agents in their minds. They will sit down to write and the character

will correct them, “no, that’s not how it happened…” Seriously, multiplicity and pluralism needs to be taken more seriously in psychology, science, and society.

Okay, back to me, eggs, Loxy, and talking to myself. I wanted to do a fanfiction for Doctor Who.

I wanted an idea. So, I said to myself, or Loxy if you permit, “Loxy, I want to write a Doctor Who story. Would you give me an idea…” I said that, while walking out of the kitchen towards the study.

One step past the threshold of the room, I was in another world. There was an element of bifurcation- part of me felt as if I were in a theater watching this drama on a screen, while another part of me felt as if I were in the experience. It can be compared to being in an REM

dream, but it felt real. It was not a daydream, as we understand daydreams. I did not interrupt the experience to rescript it when it clearly was going in a way that made me uncomfortable, or seemed to deviate from my expectations of Doctor Who dramas.

I was, for all practical purposes, in another reality. I am okay with you thinking about it as being in a simulation. A brain simulation makes sense to me.

The end of an experience and return to ‘real?’ world

Time flowed naturally in the experience. Time was palpable and real. I felt like I was there for days. I had no thoughts or sense of urgency to return to my other reality. I had no thoughts about the other reality at all, nor did I experience any concerns about how I came to be the character I was experiencing, which was myself and not. Just as you don’t question your dreams while dreaming, I did not question this.

The finale of this fanfiction had one of the largest battle scenes I could imagine. There were explosions and everything. They were deafeningly loud. There were explosions, simultaneously, in the real world. I sort of came back, halfway between reality and this experience, poised on the threshold of two rooms. I even asked, “what was that?” But that other world was still there, too compelling to leave, still palpable and more enticing than anything I ever get in reality and I was like fuck it, I want to stay there… And so I did. I was back in the battle arena and another explosion rocks the world- and there is another explosion in real life.

I came more out of the experience and again, out loud, asked, “What the hell is that?” Loxy answered. “Eggs!”

I was fully transported back into this world. Though I felt as if I had been gone for days, I was only gone long enough for the water to boil away and the eggs to explode. It was a mess. One of the egg broke the stove light. I was mad at myself, and also super stoke because that was a solid experience that allowed me to write a fanfiction in about two weeks. It’s not hard to write something when all you’re doing is transcribing an event that you experienced.

Downloads and talking to aliens

Maybe my experience was just a solid day dream, tapping into a part of my brain that allowed me to disconnect. It may be that due to past trauma, I can dissociate easier than others. Maybe that explains my out of body experiences. Maybe that explains why tulpamancy was fairly easy to engage.

Or maybe there is something here. Maybe this is how channeling works. Maybe this is how mediums operate. Richard Martini doesn’t use hypnosis, but he gets answer sets that are consistent across disparate groups of people in terms of backgrounds and beliefs. That could just be evidence that our brains are more similar in functioning than we have imagined, but even if that’s true- it’s interesting and makes me wonder why we don’t explore that more in academia.

It doesn’t matter to me if internal reality is subjective, but it should matter academically and scientifically to collect data sets of subjective reality and find a greater correlation. Scientists in the past dismissed UFOs as mass hallucinations and deemed it unworthy of study. Now, after the Pentagon has said UFOs are real, why isn’t there more effort to understand this phenomena that clearly is pinging on human reality? Is it because there is a spookiness underlying reality and consciousness and that is the taboo, not the alien part? Aliens and nuts and bolts craft would be more acceptable to science than we actually share a collective unconscious or conscious mind.

What if through hypnosis- more specifically, deep levels of focus, that’s all hypnosis is, you could access other people and other worlds? Professor Charles Tart, thinks this is true. He had a dual hypnosis experiment where two people engaged each other in hypnosis, and not only did they share a world experience, but their communication between each other in real life real time became more subtle, and nuanced, almost unintelligible- I imagined it like hearing an old dialup, AOL connection between phones. Doctor Stanley Krippner believed this to be true. He did a study on ESP at a Grateful Dead concert. How fun is that?! Thomas Campbell and Robert Monroe both say there are worlds just a phase shift away.

Granted, my experience is just an exploration of fiction, but then again, what makes you think this reality isn’t fiction? The saints of all religions point to this world as being an illusion.

Science- physics and neurology- they’re saying it’s an illusion. Why shouldn’t we believe them?


If you’re a fan of Doctor Who, or are just curious about how the ‘experience’ unfolded in the time it takes water to boil away and eggs to destroy a kitchen- this book is available for free.

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