Discover the Incredible you by Sal Parkes - HTML preview

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Section 2: Evolving Beyond The Limitations Of Our 5 Sense Reality

“There is an orderliness in the universe, there is an unalterable law governing everything and every being that exists or lives. It is no blind law; for no blind law can govern the conduct of living beings.”

- Mahatma Gandhi


perception that we may experience, for example intuition and an unexplainable feeling of knowing (you know those times that urge you to act against normal logic and reasoning because the feelings are too intense to ignore) is cast off as a coincidence, imagination or if it defies the laws of mainstream physics, a miracle. Considering that a majority of our lives are dictated by unseen phenomena: emotions, intuitions and feelings, surely this is evidence enough to suggest there is more to our human experience than what we perceive through our 5 senses? When we can become open to the fact consensual reality is limiting our potential to access a far more expansive version of reality, a whole new world opens before us... one where anything we desire enters into the realm of possibility. This is what we will now explore in the next leg of our journey into Discovering the Incredible You.

How Did Science Come To Dominate The Boundaries Of What We Accept To Be True?

Let’s start by hopping in a time machine and going back a few centuries to see how we’ve got to where we are...

For centuries science has been consumed with searching out the magic formula that controls life. In the 16th century, scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton saw the universe as a great big machine of physical parts which were predictable and mechanistic by nature. He believed you could understand the universe by measuring the physical properties alone. This was the foundation for our current understanding of our world – materialism, which says that physical reality is the only/fundamental reality. As we’ve established, the scientific technology did not exist back then to measure and understand the invisible information and energy fields we are aware of today. Physics has come to be the parent science which leads the way for all other sciences. Therefore, as the universe was seen as a physical machine made up of physical parts, the rest of the sciences would follow suit and focus and study it’s purely physical properties. If we lived in a purely physical universe then it makes sense to look to the physical things within us in order to understand what controls our human lives... what controls us and makes us the way we are.

Science continued to evolve and in 1859 Charles Darwin wrote the ‘Origins of Species’ where he said that a person’s traits were passed down from their parents. He believed something physical was passed down from parents to their child in the form of hereditary traits which controlled the characteristics of that child’s life. From this belief science set about on a mission to find out what controls our strengths, intellectual, artistic and physical abilities and what determines our weaknesses such as disease, addictions and challenging mental health.

100 years on from Darwin in 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick hypothesised that the DNA molecule in each of our 50-100 trillion cells, containing our genes, was the governing mechanism that controlled the potential of our lives. From this hypothesis the ‘central dogma’ of biology was born. It was said our genes control our lives. If you got a ‘fat gene’, ‘happy gene’, ‘success gene’, ‘depressed gene’, ‘alcoholic gene’ etc. then that is what you would become. Basically our strengths, weaknesses abilities and potential were all believed to be pre-programmed by our genes – great if you got a good set, pretty miserable if you got a bad set. This became known as Genetic Determinism but the problem lies in that, this was NEVER a scientific fact, it was a hypothesis that then became an unquestioned belief like so many areas of our consensual reality.

Why?? Again it comes down to the disempowering agenda of the control system we explored in the previous section. To believe that we are pre-programmed, fixed, physical machines and that we were “born that way” is one of THE most disempowering beliefs that exist. It often leads to a subconscious victim mentality, with no understanding that we are in charge of our destiny and have HUGE potential to change. It also leaves no room for the power of the mind which we’ll be looking at shortly.

Fortunately, the current understanding at the leading edge of science shows us a completely different picture of how life works. They have found that our beliefs, attitudes and overall mindset to life are the all-governing factors in what happens in our body and inevitably our life. Reductionist, deterministic science is beginning to lose steam – hurray!

Our genes have very little, if anything to do with our traits, personality, characteristics, abilities and potential. In the Nature vs. Nurture debate, Nurture is king. It is our early programming and the way we update and program our minds which determine the quality and success of our lives. Genes may directly determine simple physical characteristics such as hair or eye colour but they do not determine our psychologies. Dr Andrew Weil, professor and pioneer for complementary medicine studied nearly 1000 adults for a period of 9 years and found that people with high levels of optimism had a 23% lower risk of death from heart related disease and a 55% lower risk of death from other causes when compared to their pessimistic peers. This is a staggering insight as their physiology was not slavishly following the dictates of their genes; instead it was deeply influenced by their state of mind and personality traits.

The bottom line is that our destiny does not lie in our genes but rather in our beliefs and this is incredibly powerful in terms of expressing our full potential in the world.

Beyond Mainstream Science

Mainstream science has become rather dogmatic in its influence over society and cultures. It has become the institution responsible for establishing the boundaries of what it is OK to accept as reality and what it is not. In the early 19th century John Dalton discovered the world’s smallest particle – the atom. For a long time consensual belief was that it was indeed the smallest particle that existed; in hindsight, it was all we were capable of measuring at the time. Towards the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th science discovered that the atom wasn’t in fact the smallest particle, it was actually made up of smaller particles still –electrons, protons and neutrons. Around this time physics continued to evolve into the realms of quantum physics yet this field of science has received very little, if any mainstream recognition over the years in comparison to conventional particle physics.


I’m no physicist (!) but what quantum physics shows us, is that what we perceive is solid is in effect just an illusion as 99.9999% of it is comprised of subtle energy waveforms carrying information. That’s right... essentially EVERYTHING can be reduced down to energy, including you! Because everything in the universe is entangled through this sub-atomic waveform, everything is interdependent and therefore at a fundamental level everything influences everything else. This quantum physics concept of interconnectedness bares huge relevance in terms of our ability to interact with this universal field of energy which from now on I will refer to as the ‘Unified Field’. It brings about the potential to overcome the limitations and challenges of an apparently solid, immutable world by manipulating the Unified Field in order to materialise from it. For us to reach this level requires a deeper understanding of who we are and how we can use this knowledge to break away from the limitations of conventional beliefs. Philosophers, sages and spiritual traditions have long indicated the importance of connecting to this expanded reality if we are to realise our full potential and achieve tranquillity within and with-out. This Unified Field consists of waveforms of energetic information so in this respect it can be said to have a certain unseen intelligence which connects everything that exists within it. It has been given many names over the course of history: God, spirit, consciousness, the matrix, the universe, the Tao, life force energy, prana, chi, source energy and I’m sure many more.

Evidence of a Vastly Expanded Perception of Reality

Over the decades there has been a vast quantity of scientific evidence to support the theory of quantum mechanics. However, the scientific establishment refuses to take it seriously. It fails to receive funding or attention as quite simply it doesn’t fit with the control system’s agenda for maintaining an ignorant population. Yet experimental studies into quantum physics continue to shatter the conventional theories of particle physics. One of the most persuasive experiments in this field has actually shown that the subtle connection between 2 people through the Unified Field can actually be measured physically...

Two people are put in separate rooms and shielded from any electromagnetic energy, are sound proofed and isolated from any kind of known force, field or signal. Both are linked up to brain– monitoring equipment in such a way as they can both be monitored individually. A light is randomly flashed in one of the subjects eyes which causes effects in their brain activity. The equipment measures the expected changes in the visual area of his brain as well as other related areas, nothing out of the ordinary here. The extraordinary thing is that the equipment measuring the other person isolated in a separate room picks up exactly the same brain stimulation at the same time even though no light is flashing in her eye. Somehow what happens to one of the pair affects the physical system of the other even though they are far apart in separate rooms and both are shielded against signal penetration!

Dr Dean Radin is a senior scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, he conducts some of the most vigorous studies exploring what is commonly referred to as the paranormal, especially as it relates to the entanglement between human beings. He is incredibly passionate and vocal about what these experiments tell us – that we are entangled beings and what happens to one of us influences others, even if we are not consciously aware of the influence. He is also vocal about how the scientific establishment refuses to take these studies seriously, despite meeting the gold standard in terms of experimental methodology. He, like many others in his field, believe that this should be the biggest news of the day, as it totally changes how we think of ourselves and our place in the world. At this stage you and I both know why this information is being suppressed in the mainstream. With his characteristic humour, Dr Radin says:

This discovery is so shocking that it is virtually guaranteed no one would hear about it, despite it being published in a medical journal. This is worse than missing a story about aliens landing in the White House lawn. It’s more like spotting an alien shopping in the frozen food section of the local grocery store and no one caring” “Entangled Minds” Dean Radin 2006

I’d like to pick up on Dr Radin’s sentiments when he said this information totally changes how we think of ourselves and our place in the world. In fact I’d go so far as to say it completely changes EVERYTHING and has the potential for the human population to experience freedom, peace, happiness and prosperity on a whole new level.

Taking Responsibility: It’s Time To Empower Ourselves

The majority of people believe that they have little control over external influences in their lives; this is not entirely their fault as we have been brought up to believe this is the case. So the consensual program leads us to believe we either have to give our power away to an outside authority or fight for it in order to forcibly reclaim it. I hope at this point in our journey that you are beginning to entertain the idea that there is another way. However, in order for us to be able to create a life by design as opposed to settle for the one prescribed by the control system, we’ve got to take 100% responsibility over 4 key areas of our self in the following order:

  • Our Beliefs – do they empower us or limit us?
  • Our Feelings – do they feel good or bad?
  • Our Thoughts – do they inspire us or do they prevent us from taking action?
  • Our Actions – are they in alignment with the above?

The reason being is that:

  • What we believe either limits or expands our perception of ourselves and the world which in turn influences what we believe we are capable of being/achieving
  • What we believe about our self or a situation determines how we feel about it
  • How we feel determines what we think about our self or situation
  • Our thoughts then dictate our behaviours and actions
  • Our behaviours and actions produce an outcome which is either desirable or undesirable based on all of the above

We Are Continually Creating Whether We Realise It Or Not


Well I didn’t have the intent for that guy to crash into my brand new car. He was on his phone, not looking when he turned out of the road and as a result drove his car straight into mine”.

To understand the law of cause and effect, we have to understand the principles of energy. You may not have been thinking about someone running into your brand new car but when it happened how did you feel... frustrated, angry, annoyed? Now think back to the past few weeks. The likelihood is that you had received some news or had an experience which made you feel frustrated, angry or annoyed. So this was the energetic information you had been vibrating at and sending out into the unified field with a particular degree of intensity. The law of cause and effect delivers 100% of the time without fail. In this example it delivered a car accident which matched the intensity of the underlying feelings of frustration, anger and annoyance you had been unconsciously projecting in the previous days/weeks/months. Because we are all entangled at our most fundamental level, you and the guy that crashed into your car were a vibrational match for one another. The accident would have corresponded to his energetic resonance. It could have been a negative experience for him, in which case he was also unconsciously sending out energetic vibes of frustration. On the other hand it could have been positive – he could have wanted a new car and with the insurance pay out he can now put down a deposit on a new car!

The unified field is ALWAYS seeking energetic balance and delivers only according to what is projected into it with absolutely no bias. Because of the law of cause and effect you often here people exclaim “Why do bad things always happen to me” – well, they expect them to happen and send out energetic information accordingly so the law of cause and effect responds and delivers. “Why does that guy have life so easy, he’s so lucky” – he’s not lucky, he radiates positive energy into the unified field which responds by bringing positive situations and opportunities to him. There is no such thing as luck, which suggests that our lives are a lottery and implies we have no control over its direction. There is only conscious or unconscious creation. We are constantly creating every waking second of our lives and when we become aware of this, it allows us to take back control of our lives. The illusion of perceived limitations that govern the material world such as the economy, a lack of resource, academic grades, geographical boundaries or that you don’t appear qualified enough are just that, illusions. Everything in our physical world is entangled at its deepest level. The unified field continually seeks balance so will deliver according to what you send out 100% of the time irrespective of what would commonly be perceived as an obstacle. I’ll share a personal example with you...

I used to work in the finance department of an international insurance company looking after the credit control for their corporate clients. I’d been with them for 2 and half years and was starting to get itchy feet. Towards the end of 2009 I wanted a new job. I loved the idea of doing something more aligned with my interests. At this time I was really getting into my pursuit for truth and studying the nature of reality, control system etc... But I knew I was unlikely to find a job which would involve such areas. Instead, I started exploring jobs where I could potentially remain in the corporate world yet be involved with the personal development of myself and others. I also wanted to be able to conduct some form of research relating to my areas of interest and have the opportunity for international travel (I didn’t want much did I?!). So I started applying for jobs and attending interviews. Prior to 2009 I seemed to have the interview mojo; frequently I had the luxury of choosing between 2-3 job offers. Due to the downturn in the global economy I guessed my mojo had run its cause, I attended 5 interviews and not one job offer but I didn’t stress I just had a feeling something would come up.

One week in November 2009, I was introduced to the concept of starting a home business by one of my previous bosses and 2 other people. Had they been isolated introductions I probably wouldn’t have taken any notice. But the concept intrigued me and I found it strange that 3 completely unrelated people had introduced the same concept to me within the space of a week. So I spent a few months researching online what was involved and ended up responding to an ad which jumped out at me. At that point in time everything changed and things started to move swiftly in my life. I started my business, left my corporate job; through synchronicity found a part time job (I got my mojo back for that one!) that allowed me to work on my business. A few weeks after starting my business, I found out the company was affiliated with some of the truth activists I had been learning from for the past couple of years. I have since met and spoken with them at our international conferences, yet I had no idea when I initially responded to that ad. I’m also involved with the personal development of myself and others as well as continually researching ways to empower those I serve through my business and personal projects – I love it! I thought the only way of earn a stable living within the system was to become a corporate wage slave; turns out this was another program belonging to the system of control. I’m so fortunate to currently be doing what I truly want to do even though the possibility was way off my radar

when I was feeling like it was time for a change back in 2009. If your thoughts, intentions and actions are aligned and you make it a priority to feel as good as you can, the unified field will respond in accordance to make the seemingly impossible possible. It happens frequently these days and without a shadow of a doubt confirms that this world is NOTHING like we are told it is and it is actually a pretty magical place to be once you start to evolve beyond the mainstream programming

Human Transmitters & Receivers

Thoughts do create things; this is not a new concept and has been the foundation for a majority of the self help materials available today. But, and this is a big but... Thoughts only create things to the extent that we engage in the process with our feelings. I’d really like to break this one down as it’s of great significance to leading a life by personal design.


and frustrated in their present situation. In effect they don’t control their thoughts, their thoughts control them. Often, frustration and desperation cause people to want to bring about change in their lives and these feelings motivate their actions which often result in disproportionately small results. The reason being is that how they feel (fear of failure, doubt, frustration, scepticism, desperation) is often contradictory to the positive feelings associated with their desired outcome. Although thoughts are projected out into the unified field, whether they manifest into a physical experience is largely influenced by the energy a person radiates which is determined by their predominant thoughts and feelings.

Let’s look at an example...

When we want something, we tend to become fixed upon how we’re going to get it All of our thoughts and energies become consumed with how and this is where we get frustrated because we see no logical way to move forward. Based on what we perceive around us through our 5 senses what we want seems impossible (think of me wanting a job within the system that exposed and helped breakdown the system). However the object or outcome you desire isn’t actually what you want – seriously! You want to experience the FEELINGS associated with your desire which could be the physical relief of improved health, the security of more money, the comfort of a bigger home, the intimacy of a new relationship etc.

Going back to my example, I wanted to connect to a sense of purpose, the passion of serving others through my interests, the freedom of international travel and greater financial security. At the time the economy had taken a nose dive, the job market was tough, I didn’t have the qualifications necessary to get a significant pay rise and my perfect job didn’t exist in the corporate world! But I still remained optimistic that something would come up and it did, becoming an entrepreneur was not even on my radar at the time but the solution was so much better than what I had originally conceived of. All manner of things started to shift and come onto my radar allowing me to ease out of the corporate world and into life as an entrepreneur.


  • When our feelings are in alignment with our desired outcome, we consciously create in harmony with the unified field. It responds to the energy we radiate out through our thoughts and feelings in order to achieve balance.
  • When our feelings are in alignment with our desired outcome the HOW doesn’t matter as the unified field connects everything within our world and beyond. It will move mountains on our behalf to match the energy we send out through our thoughts and feelings. Note: The outcome NEVER happens how we expect it to happen, the solution tends to exceed what we actually desire and is often way ‘off our radar’ at the beginning. For this reason being flexible and receptive are key qualities to develop.
  • When our feelings are in alignment with our desired outcome, there is no need to struggle and try to make things happen. Instead you will feel inspired to take action towards the fulfilment of your desire. This action will feel right and you will find it enjoyable as you will be moving in sync with the unified field’s response

For your loftiest goals to become a material reality, you have to feel as good as you can – as close a match to the feelings you will experience when your desire manifests. If you can’t bring yourself to feel this good without doubt, sceptiscm etc... My advice would be to feel as good as you can and keep feeling better. Sometimes even this can be difficult, in which case your level of belief is the problem and we will look at how to address this in the next section.

I think at this point, it’s worth reminding ourselves of the 4 areas which affect our ability to take full control over our destinies:

  • Our Beliefs – do they empower us or limit us?
  • Our Feelings – do they feel good or bad?
  • Our Thoughts – do they inspire us or do they paralyse us from taking action?
  • Our Actions – are they in alignment with the above?

Again, the reason being is that:

  • What we believe either limits or expands our perception of ourselves and the world which in turn influences what we believe we are capable of
  • What we believe about our self or a situation determines how we feel about something
  • How we feel determines what we think about that something
  • Our thoughts then dictate our behaviours and actions
  • Our behaviours and actions determine the outcome which is either desirable or undesirable based on all of the above

We each have a unique energy field which contains energetic information made up of our predominant thoughts and feelings about ourselves and the world around us as we’re about to see. Our energy field is what the unified field predominantly responds to and engages with.

The Living Matrix

We’ve begun to touch on the idea that there is much more to our existence than simply existing as a mechanistic, biological machine composed of physical parts. We’re now going to take a look at the magnificent phenomenon that is our human body and energy field. We’ll look at the body’s two communication systems and how they interact with the Unified Field which makes up the physical world as we know it.

Like all living organisms, our bodies produce their own energy fields which radiate a unique vibe(ration) based on what we think and how we feel. These vibes are what you pick up on when you meet someone for the first time and before exchanging words or physical contact you get a feeling about them. You either register a good vibe, strange vibe, bad vibe or no vibe. This is you reading and interpreting their energy field and subconsciously drawing a comparison to your own vibration. The more alike the vibrations are, the greater the resonance and therefore we interpret this resonance as a positive feeling. This also works in reverse with contrasting vibrations.

Our energy field continually communicates with our environment and returns subtle information we decode into an experience. In addition to this external communication system, our body also has two internal communication systems:

  • A chemical-signalling system (The Nervous System)
  • An electromagnetic information signalling system (The Living Matrix)

It is the second system which is the predominant vehicle for programming and de-programming the sub-conscious mind as well as integrating new and more empowering belief systems. Our perceptions of the world around us come from the input of our 5 physical senses which send signals to the brain. Our brain then releases a torrent of chemicals, enzymes and hormones around the body through the automatic nervous system. This allows for our nervous system to perform various functions, maintain balance and keep the body safe. Once our nervous system has responded to the 5 sense stimulus, the body then radiates the resulting energy of e-motions (energy in motion) in a 360 degree field outside of your body and into the environment through your heart centre in the form of a torus.

Our energy field is made up of electromagnetic energy which affects EVERY cell in the body and is integral to the structure of all material systems as it makes up 99.9999% of physical forms we can perceive. From now on I will refer to the human electromagnetic system as the ‘Living Matrix’ a term coined by biophysicist Dr James Oschman. The fundamental difference between this system and the nervous system is that the Living Matrix transmits information around the body in the form of energy as opposed to chemicals. The nervous system is a bit like dial up internet and the living matrix is more like fibre-optic broadband which sends vastly higher quantities of information across a more complex communication network at greater speeds. Both systems activate the body’s cells to perform their function however while the chemical messengers travel around a centimetre a second, the information signals of the living matrix would have made it three quarters of the way to the moon in the same time!

The Energy System

For more than 5000 years, eastern medical systems have recognised the reality that the human body uses energy fields to function. This is a concept that really resonates with me. In 2006 which marked the start of my journey of self discovery, I had the great privilege to spend a couple of months in Malaysia


experience he was able to assist over 40,000 people overcome their disease and suffering. In some cases he literally saved their lives through his use of mystical energy work and intuitive herbal concoctions from the jungle. For me, the most beautiful part of his work was he did it all for free. Because of the profound impact he had on the lives of those he helped, he attracted hundreds of people who supported his work through donations and contributions, some of whom were influential politicians and business men in Malaysia. During my time there I had the great fortune of meeting people from all walks of life who my uncle had healed of cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, addictions, mental illness and even infertility – to describe my experience as life changing seems such an understatement.

Not all of my understanding of the human energy system came from my uncle; I like to read widely around the subject as it is a passion of mine. A couple of years ago I was initiated into shamanism and since then I have continued to work on my own energy body with the help of a mentor. It’s been a fascinating journey of self discovery and brought about a desire to understand the human experience at a much deeper level. You’re probably aware that the most well formulated theory of the Living Matrix is the Chinese Meridian system which is a network for carrying electromagnetic (life force) energy around the body. It is a complex network of energy channels which circulate the body and regulate the flow of energy throughout i