Discover the Incredible you by Sal Parkes - HTML preview

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Section 4: Expressing The Incredible You

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” - Joseph Campbell

Who Are You?!


personality comes from the Latin word ’persona’ meaning mask. It is the version of ourselves we show to the world depending on the context we find our self in – the roles we find ourselves playing in everyday life. So... who lies behind these masks we wear in everyday life who is the self?

Science tells that we are 98% of our atoms are replaced every year; I was amazed to find that:

  • Every 5 days our stomach lining completely renews itself
  • Every 30 days our skin is completely regenerated
  • Every 6 weeks we essentially have a new liver
  • Every year our brain recycles it’s cells into completely new ones
  • In less than 4 years we have a completely new body down to the last atom!

With this being the case, there is clearly more to us than a physical body which dies, regenerates and renews itself over the course of our life. Who is the stable self that we all feel we have if we’re not just a mechanistic machine made up of biological cells.

Throughout this book we have touched on quantum physics and explored how the physical world of atoms isn’t as solid or immutable as mainstream science would have us believe. Rather it provides us with a revolutionary vision of ourselves as human beings – that we are unique patterns of energy, determined by our thoughts and feelings and we show up in the world as mind and a body made up of more than 50 trillion cells.

As our levels of self awareness and understanding increase, we evolve from being conscious activity of our bodies to conscious activity of our mind and eventually to conscious activity of our energy or spirit. As we update and make changes to our beliefs our bio-energetic field changes accordingly which affects everything from our DNA to the experiences we attract in our life. The profound question is how big to you dare to be? The only limits that impact your energy field are quite literally the limits you place on what you believe you are capable of. The key is, to break free from the imposed programming of the control systems which have an interest in our ignorance of this knowledge!! Section 3 has looked at 2 powerful tools available to help you update and transform the way you see yourself and the world so you can quite literally take steps to transform into the highest vision of yourself against all the odds. The world is not as solid and immutable as we have been told and this is the ultimate knowledge that is being kept from humanity, as discussed in Section 1. As soon as humanity awakens to this innate power they have been kept from, the vision of a new world based on peace, love, prosperity and abundance will no longer be a utopian concept, but a realistic possibility based on leading edge science and the wisdom of our ancients!

How Big Can You Be?


Our personalities are localised in our social roles and played out through our physical bodies. However there is an ‘I’ that is far more expansive by nature; it is universal, non-local and immaterial. Perennial philosophy like many of the philosophies and wisdom from mystics, sages and indigenous cultures teach us that our life’s purpose is to become part of the universal, non-localised consciousness of which we are a part at our truest and most fundamental nature. Our task as a human being is to awaken from our sleep and realise our grandeur – to become one with this universal intelligence then help and inspire others to do the same. Leading edge scientists tend to agree...

“We are not physical machines that have learned to think, we are impulses of intelligence that have created the physical body [according to our beliefs]”

– Deepak Chopra (Medial Doctor & Author)

“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

– Albert Einstein (Theoretical physicist and founder of general relativity)

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”

– Max Planck (One of the fathers of quantum physics)

I fully understand that for people to believe in themselves according to this leading edge scientific vision may come at a real stretch. However if the desire exists to discover this part of yourself then the information in Section 3 is there to assist you in expanding into this daring new way of being. I assure you from my personal experience that once you make the decision to connect with this part of yourself it’s as if the universe conspires to support your awakening and your journey through life will become more, magical, fulfilling, liberating and profound. The question is never “Are you capable of becoming all you dream of”, rather the only question you have to answer is “How big do you want to be?!

Creativity: The Expression Of The Incredible You

At the end of Section 3, we addressed that our thoughts are a natural outcome of the beliefs we hold and the feelings they result in. When we feel good, we naturally think positively – our thoughts become inspired and serve as a positive force to propel us towards our highest vision, however only to the extent we act upon them. It’s worthwhile noting here that the world inspired comes from two words – ‘in spirit’ – a point where your feelings and thoughts are aligned with the universal consciousness, that which animates the physical world, otherwise known as spirit.


through our nervous system. As a result, when we fail to take action on our inspiration we actually start to feel bad, tired and even frustrated as this built up inspired energy condenses and results in a dense energetic emotion. So quite simply using the tools in section 3, we have to let go and follow through with the flow... we need to trust and allow ourselves to become creative channels of universal expression!

Let me share another personal example with you...

A few years back I had a vision, I really wanted to serve in some way and assist with the Global Awakening. I was charged with this inspired vision, yet I was so hung up on HOW I was going to do this. In my mind it seemed like an impossibility – how could I help people to see through the program and embrace a much more expansive version of themselves. I had an inspired vision yet at the time I wasn’t fully aware of how to employ the law of cause and effect – I didn’t realise my subconscious beliefs were holding me back. I became frustrated and as a result seemed to be attracting people and situations that made me even more frustrated; in hindsight I can clearly see the root causes of my frustration. I was blocking my inspiration with my intellect and the limiting beliefs that had been lying dormant within me for all those years (making myself vulnerable by speaking out on my personal truth was one of them).

At that time I didn’t have access to the tools I shared with you in Section 3 which may have made things a little easier – I did it the hard way through trial and error, sometimes laughing with joy and other times crying with frustration! As fear began to set in, I started to spin my tyres by exerting so much mental energy fighting against the flow that I became exhausted and completely lost belief that I would ever be able to make a positive impact to the lives of others. I wanted to give people hope and a way forward yet at the time I couldn’t even do this for myself. My fears became a self fulfilling prophecy that is, right up until the point I took responsibility for my situation. Once I got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired (!) I stood back and recognised that all my frustrations were self afflicted and that I had lost sight of the bigger picture. In effect I couldn’t see the wood (my way forward) through the trees (my intellect). So never one to back down from a challenge, I set about to learning everything I could that would allow me to free myself from fear, frustration and limiting beliefs so that I could serve other. Do you know what I realised? My intellect’s need to know all the facts, figures, strategy and outcome had blocked the flow of my creativity at the expense of my sense of wellbeing and as a result I was unable to take empowered and inspired action. I then began to realise that CREATIVITY is the substance of inspired thinking and to place intellectual limitations on what we create squelches all emerging inspiration.

Inspiration is the language of the universal intelligence or consciousness and it expresses itself through our feelings which are translated into our inspired thoughts. Creativity is the vessel that allows for us to express our inspiration into the physical world and not logic, planning and rational thinking. It stems from the need to be in control of the whole process but remember we are co-creating with a universal intelligence that is far more intelligent than our intellectual left brains!! My self-imposed barriers of logic, reason and control prevented me from expressing myself authentically because I feared the reactions others may have had to my insights. By limiting my creativity in such a way, it was blocking the flow of my inspiration and having a negative impact on how I generally felt. But thankfully with commitment, I broke free from my imposed limitations. I decided to trust in the universal intelligence, of which we are all a part, and this eBook is one of a number of manifestations that has resulted from this decision img32.png

The 3 Modes of Creativity

Human creativity falls into three principal areas:

  • Creation – the making of things
  • Recreation – the entertaining side of life
  • Procreation – the creation of the future


stages in our lives. What I am going to suggest is that by combining all three we have the ability to create cohesive, purposeful, abundant and joyful lives where we are paid to do what we love and enjoy whilst advancing our collective evolution. This lifestyle is not reserved for the ‘lucky few’, as we have determined there is no such thing as luck, we create our own experiences. The opportunity to live out your dreams as the Incredible You is all dependent on: your willingness to update what you believe, feel and therefore think about yourself and the world so that they are supportive of your goal. The next step is to have the courage to then act on the visions you receive without getting caught up on the how which will only limit your creative expression! So let’s conclude by looking at how to express the Incredible You and lead an authentic, cohesive life which inspires you every waking moment of your life...

“Success Is The Progressive Realisation Of A Worthwhile Ideal”

Success is really a journey of self-discovery and realisation of our potential rather than how much money we bring in every month. This journey begins as soon as we identify a purpose or ideal which we are committed to serving. The human condition is such that when we find a meaningful way to enhance the lives of others, we experience a deep sense of satisfaction that extends beyond the material rewards. Our hearts become stirred in the process of realising that we are connected to and serving something so much bigger than our own individual needs. When a goal is motivated by the desire to make money alone, success becomes an arduous destination rather than an unfolding journey of self discovery and the realisation of how we can master our own physical reality. Remember we are an intrinsic part of universal intelligence which continually seeks to express itself through our individual experiences and desires. The key is to direct our thoughts into creative action with the intent of joyfully serving and adding value to the lives of others in some way. When money becomes our main motivator for creating, fear and frustration or exhaustion tend to creep in which squelches our inspiration and that’s when we end up feeling disillusioned and spinning tyres moving nowhere fast.

I’m not saying money is not important to our fulfilment; of course it is in terms of providing us with the freedom to experience the lifestyle we desire. However money is simply an exchange of energy for the value we offer to others. The more value you give to others, in terms of your ability to help them solve their problem (which could be anything and we’ll look at this shortly), the more members, customers, clients or interested people you will attract and therefore the more income you will bring in. This is what Earl Nightingale meant when he said “Success is the progressive realisation of a worthwhile ideal”. As you expand your knowledge within a particular field you increase your value to others. People are always happy to exchange money for something which they perceive will be of value to them; therefore as your knowledge/skill set expands and evolves so does your income. Again it comes down to the natural law of cause and effect which states that “Every thought, intent and action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind”.

If expanding our knowledge results in an increase of income and at the same time we want the opportunity to create purposeful, abundant and joyful lives where we are paid to do what we love and enjoy whilst advancing our collective evolution... Then it makes sense for us to expand our knowledge in a field which fuels us with a sense of purpose and brings us joy img34.png

Finding Your Purpose


meaning and purpose in life which extends beyond their own self interest. When we become aware that this sense of dissatisfaction comes from a lack of purpose, the flip side is we can become frustrated trying to search for and find a purpose in life. So in this final section, I want to share with you how we can remove this mild, ongoing dissatisfaction by awakening that part of you who suspects that you are actually destined to make a difference but aren’t quite sure what or how. It is also written for those who are inspired by the idea of creating cohesive, purposeful, abundant and joyful life where you are paid to do what you love whilst advancing our collective evolution.

So, How Do You Go About Finding Your Purpose?

I’ve spoken with many people who get hung up on finding their life’s purpose and the more they seek and search, the more elusive this idea of a life purpose becomes. While there are those in life who seem to have been destined to walk a specific path of purpose within their lives, this is largely uncommon. What tends to be the case is that people create and make a purpose for themselves which later evolves, expands or even changes completely as they go through life. There are three very insightful ways to uncover a potential purpose to serve and they are:

  • Curiosity
  • A Cause
  • Activism

I will explore the difference between them in just a moment but first I want to share this quote from Mother Teresa who I’m sure you’ll agree was an incredible individual, driven by her desire to serve the destitute and starving in India.

“Faith in action is love, and love in action is service. By transforming that faith into living acts of love, we put our self in contact with God Himself [the prime source of universal intelligence].”

Let’s have a look at the three way in which you can discover a purpose that is unique to you...

Curiosity: The things we are naturally curious to learn more about in our spare time. This is often a strong indication of our interests and a sign post to where we would find the greatest satisfaction and joy if more of our daily activities were involved in this area/field.

A Cause: Notice which issues arouse your passion or anger, your deeper self will find liberation though expressing it’s opinions . You will feel energised when you make a commitment to serve in some capacity to heal those situations by using the expertise you have already acquired (business skills, writing abilities, speaking talents, previously acquired skills etc.) to advance your chosen cause.

Activism: By combining your curiosity, cause and current expertise into forward movement (action), you become an activist. Your beliefs, ideals and activities become aligned and as we already established earlier, this is a powerful force to be unleashed out into the world. When your cause and purpose is clear, others who share your vision will join you and that is when real change happens. Just look at the likes of Martin Luther King Jr, Ghandi , the Zeitgeist and more recently Thrive movements. They all began with one person or a small group of people who believed they could champion a cause and make a difference to the collective.

So we can put what we have just looked at into context I’ll share with you how I came to find my purpose...

(Curiosity) As you’re probably suspecting, I have an insatiable curiosity to learn, research and discover the hidden aspects of our human existence – why are we here, why is the world the way it is, what creates our physical experience and how the unseen ultimately defines our physical existence. I love it and spend a lot of time reading, researching, travelling around and interacting with truth and freedom advocates; I never tire of it – ever!

(A Cause) When I found out that the human population has been and is still being manipulated into a form of slavery, I got angry. When I recognised that there is more to our physical reality than we perceive with our 5 senses, I got passionate and excited. When I realised that as humans we have the power within us to reclaim both our individual and collective sovereignty and freedom, I was inspired to make the most of my business skills and take action.

(Activism) Now I am in the early stages of creating an organisation and network of entrepreneurs that consists of likeminded individuals who want to actively inspire and help others to de-program from the system of control. I believe people deserve to recognise the truth, experience freedom and create prosperity in their lives, I understand that not everyone is ready for this change but I am wholeheartedly committed to those who are. And I am so excited about the coming 4-5 years, as I know with every ounce of my being this is what I am here to do

To look at another example: you may have a person close to you who is suffering from diabetes as a result of a poor diet and an inactive lifestyle. After doing some research you may discover that through changing their diet to incorporate only organic, fresh natural foods complimented with herbal medicines has helped people to overcome diabetes. You become fascinated with organic and natural foods and the potential they have to reverse poor health. You become angry at the commercialised food industry for irresponsibly promoting dangerous foods that harm people’s wellbeing and create diseases. As a result you decide to setup a website which you update regularly offering information that will help people become aware of the healing effects of a natural organic diet. You also seek out experts within the healthy lifestyle niche and interview them. In time you decide to create and sell an information product on your website based on what you have learned works in terms of creating a healthy lifestyle and optimizing your wellbeing. When it comes to activism and serving a purpose you are passionate about you are only ever limited by your motivation and your creativity!

What About The Money...


When it comes to reaching out and serving a cause, you don’t have to be limited by where you live. Thanks to the internet, you essentially have 1.5 billion people online searching for information, answers and solutions to their problems as well as seeking out communities of likeminded individuals. Your task is to communicate (i.e. market) what your mission is and how you can help them. Once we have found a cause or purpose to serve, our job is to learn, research, explore and discover everything we can within the field. This is why it is important for our purpose to arouse curiosity because we will not be inspired to acquire knowledge in an area that holds no interest to us! The aim is to share what you learn and your personal experiences with others in such a way as to enlighten, empower, educate or entertain them – it really is a lot of fun as long as your intent is to serve and not to exploit the attention of others simply to make money or gain recognition.

Generating an income in exchange for the value you offer.

This eBook really isn’t about marketing and monetizing your purpose and is beyond the intent of this publication. I have simply touched on the subject to make you aware that such an option exists. There are some great materials out there on monetizing your passions and Eben Pagen is one of the best international trainers out there. He’s all about value based business and because of this he has created a $100 million enterprise doing what he loves simply by giving value away for free and becoming a trusted authority in the marketing world. His free training is jam packed with quality information that works. If you feel this direction resonates with you then I’d encourage you to take a look at some of his free training here (I have no affiliation with his company).

The idea behind creating a service based project that assists others based on your personal interests, knowledge and skills is to become seen as a valuable trusted source of information within your field. At this point you can expand what you have to offer by offering related services, products, seminars, workshops etc. For example you could package and sell your knowledge in the form of information products (eBooks, training courses), become an affiliate for a company whose products and services are aligned with your personal mission etc. Again you are only ever limited by your desire and creativity.

For me, my business and personal projects have been my greatest teacher and pushed me to de-program and heal my limiting beliefs at a speed that would never have occurred had I chosen to continue along my corporate path. The results we attain in life are proportionate to our ability to de-program, transform and evolve – everything we have discussed in the eBook. Therefore in order to lead cohesive, purposeful, prosperous and joyful lives where we are paid to do what we love, we have to become open to the idea of becoming an independent creator or entrepreneur as opposed to settling for being, in effect, a wage slave working towards someone else’s dream and agenda.

Remember that your success, joy, prosperity and freedom is an integral part of the global shift. When you succeed, you make it that much easier for the next person. Eventually what will happen is we will collectively reach a stage of critical mass i.e. the 100th monkey when the majority of the population will come to realise. They will then begin to update their beliefs and with guidance from those who have already awoken, they will begin to implement the necessary changes toward their ultimate fulfilment. When we reach this point of critical mass, humanity will be in a position to reclaim their minds from the systems of control and create a new world into being. My fellow journeyer, this is how important you are so don’t ever let anybody suggest that you are anything less than amazing because it simply isn’t true. You were born to shine as a unique expression of universal intelligence and it’s time for you to go out and introduce the world to the Incredible You.

I will close with one of my favourite quotes from Marianne Williamson...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God [the source of universal intelligence]. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God [the source of universal intelligence] that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”