Drug Addition: Can you Save Your Teen Before it's too Late? by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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#11. Trust is Needed to Prevent the Teen Drug Problem

Every parent whose child enters the teen age years is worried a lot and rightly so. There are so many problems which are going around that at times it is quite impossible to avoid a panic attack. One of the key issues that are making rounds among this age group these days is drug addiction. The problem is going from bad to worse and needs immediate attention. Though at many levels there are people working to look for ways in which this problem can be controlled, the key responsibility lies on the shoulders of the parents.

Parents have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders when it comes to raising their kids and many times it is not possible to look out for everything. So if there is a  problem, dont start blaming yourself because at times there is not much that one can do.

One needs to try and establish some basic relationship rules with their kids and ensure that they are followed. These rules or norms of the family are going to make sure that in most of the cases the kids stay out of trouble. There are ample examples that can be quoted when it comes to kids taking up a stand against pressures from the outside and staying on track. Doing this when there is so much temptation around them just goes on to reflect what a strong network of the family values can do for the betterment and protection of one’s life.

What is this key to the value creation that is being mentioned here time and again? The answer is that the one and only factor that is needed in most of the relationships is trust. It is the level of trust that is most important. This might sound like an overused cliché but truly, it is a strong bond of trust that is going to ensure that the teens don’t alienate themselves from the parents and family in their time of confusion and turn towards the wrong kind of solutions.

These solutions as can be guessed have the use of drugs on top of their list. Given any sort of addiction, once one is hooked no matter for what reason letting go of it is not an easy job and above all, the label attached to the name of that child for the rest of his life can close a lot of doors for fruitful opportunities.