Drug Addition: Can you Save Your Teen Before it's too Late? by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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#23. Signs that Help Identify Marijuana Use

It is important for a parent to understand how to spot the warning signs of drug abuse. This will be helpful in preventing the teenager from consuming illicit drugs. Drug abuse is very much similar to being a member of a secret society. It has its own culture, customs and vocabulary.

Teenagers hide the fact that they are consuming drugs. They go to great lengths in order to protect the secrecy at any cost. For a parent, it is important to be educated on how to spot the warning signs of drug abuse. Gaining authority and building a friendly environment is essential for making sure that a teenager does not fall back to the use of drugs.

There are different substances and illicit drugs available in the market. Ecstasy, cocaine, opium, marijuana and methamphetamine are the most consumed drugs. Parents have a gift which is the most important tool that will be helpful in spotting behavior changes in their child. Parental instinct is the greatest tool that is at the disposal of a parent in finding out about drug abuse. Behavior changes, mood swings, health issues and appearance at the easiest ways through which a parent can identify drug abuse by their teenager kid. Every drug has a different cause and effect on the body.

Marijuana is widely and readily available in the market. It is also known as chronic, weed, pot, herb, green, trees   and dank in teenagers language. It is commonly smoked. Parents can keep watch over excessive usage of cologne or air fresheners. They can also watch for the presence of smoking utensils, lighters and cigarette papers.

Speaking about behavioral changes, the teen child will experience laziness, disinterest, hunger, sudden laughter, disorientation, fatigue and incoherent speech. Speaking about physical signs, the teenager experiences loss of coordination, delayed reactions, glazed red eyes and dry mouth. The availability of home drug test kits is a good way to confirm drug abuse. Home unit tests or a test is a good way to bring out the truth about the teenagers drug abuse activity.

Every drug test has its own advantages. It is important for a parent to select the right test kit that gives accurate results. A good amount of information is available over the Internet. Parents can gather information related to these test kits and look out for the right choice based upon their communication level with their teenager. Most parents opt for hair follicle test, as it does not require the presence of the teenager.