Drug Addition: Can you Save Your Teen Before it's too Late? by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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#25. Major Reasons Why Teens Take Drugs

Drugs have always been a means of relieving tension and people of all ages and both genders can fall for them. But there are some groups that are at higher risk. Young people can get acquainted with these drugs and fall for them to such an extent that it is not possible for them to live without them. The teen years are among those dangerous times.

The teen years are a time when a boy or girl is undergoing a lot of changes, physically and mentally. Social changes and maturity start to set in and they come across situations  in life that they have never been through. They start thinking in a somewhat mature way but that is only according to them. Basically it is a stage of immaturity that is perceived as much maturity by them.

One important thing is that they have a lot of pressures in life and think that people are not capable of understanding them, how they feel, how they want to react and what their choices in life are. All these things fall hard on them and they start fancying about drugs. According to them the only solution to all these problems is the use of drugs.

Sometimes teens just want to try drugs when they see that they are being glamorized everywhere and that their friends are also using them. They just want to know what it feels like to be on drugs and this one time experience turns into a long life addiction for them. Media has a major role to play and teens are basically the most vulnerable class to be affected by things being portrayed in the media.

And it is not just media or peers to be blamed. Sometimes even the adults in their own houses are on drugs but they never think that this can inspire interest from the teens as well. So they continue with their own habits and in the end their teens start using drugs or dealing them.

Looking upon other reasons we would come to know that those teenagers who live away from home like in boarding schools and dorms have a great tendency to use drugs. This is because they can easily fall prey to the campaigns of drugs run by  their own seniors. Also teenagers who have separated parents and broken homes also have a tendency to use drugs to ease their tensions and frustrations in life.

There can be many reasons for using drugs but all of them can be discovered and removed. It is important to pay attention to your teen and to care well for them.