Drug Addition: Can you Save Your Teen Before it's too Late? by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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#27. Important Facts about Prescription Drug Abuse in Teens

Prescription drug abuse is on the rise among teenagers. Parents and law enforcement authorities are finding it difficult to control the situation. However, treatment starts right at home. Parents, who understand that the situation is critical, should act in a calm state of mind. Speaking with their teenager is essential for understanding the reason why they have started to consume prescription drugs or illicit drugs. It is easy for a teenager to get into drug use. Influence of a bad crowd, friends and the state of depression are cited as the main reasons for an individual to fall prey to drug abuse.

There is a common misunderstanding that prescription drugs are safe as doctors suggest them. However, prolonged use of prescription drugs leads to addiction. Prescribed drugs contain chemicals that at one point of time provide pleasurable reactions. Another important factor for an increase in prescription drug abuse among teenagers is the readily availability of the drugs in the market. It is possible for them to get hold of these drugs with the help of family members and friends. However, teenagers have started turning towards the use of heroin as prescription drugs became expensive.

It is important for a parent to keep a watch over the activities of teenagers to notice drug use in its initial stage. Parents can keep track of the use of prescription medicines at their home. It is also possible to notice the changes in behavior patterns and health issues.

Manufacturers have changed the formula of painkillers, which makes it crushproof. This is another reason why teenagers have turned towards heroin. By noticing the changes in the behavior pattern, appetite, sleeping pattern and mood swings, it is possible for parents to become suspicious about drug abuse by their teenager.

Teenagers are often prone to drug abuse as they face many challenges during adolescence. The peer pressure, social acceptance and problems at home are cited as the main reasons. It is important for a parent to create a friendly and caring atmosphere at home so that the teenager will feel free and open up to their parents. Keeping a teenager busy with extracurricular activities is a good way to divert their mind from using prescription drugs. The initial support from parents is essential for helping the teenager pass on from prescription drug abuse to a better future.

Parents play a major role in reducing and eliminating the growing problem of teen drug abuse.