Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Ultimately, you return from whence you came – to pure energy, pure peace. This state continues until you again choose to experience a physical life.

So often we flounder around in this life, never really making any decisions beyond allowing life to just happen haphazardly. If our parents want us to get a job or study at university, that's the way to go. We meet someone there who we like and get along with – why not get married? The relationship is as good as any other. Children come along and the cycle continues. Events and accidents happen along the way, “Well, it must be what's meant to happen. I can't control it.” And so it persists and then finally, there you are at the end of your life wondering what happened. “That passed very quickly, but what actually happened?” Is this to be the normal pattern of our lives - just doing the best we can with whatever comes up?

This is the time you ask, “Was I really happy and if so when? Did I give and receive as much love as I could have, or did I cut myself off? Should I, to receive that illusive feeling of inner peace, have done something extra?”

How do you answer those questions? Can there ever be an answer or are you all destined to never know these answers?
There can be an answer and there is. The truth will finally be revealed and your questions answered. Your world, you will finally