Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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believe Me. You always thought only a special messenger could connect you to Me such as Krishna, Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed. Know that you need no connection, as we are the same with the same power. Know this and you will know everything and your life will change overnight.

As a form of pure energy, you could have chosen to stay this way but instead needed the opportunity of growth, provided by experiencing yourself in a physical body, to expand your knowledge. Whatever you choose to happen in this life, always adds to your soul's ultimate growth. No experience is useless. It all adds up to the total life encounter.

So here you all are – a tiny presence amongst billions of others, but know you are all perfect and special. If a snowflake is so intricate, imagine how much more you are, when you are Me. You are truly miraculous beings, created by choice to be perfectly adapted to this world.

Nothing is preordained. You decided on the setting for your life, long before you entered the world. Your parents, where you live and your gender were all decided by you, before you arrived here. You have had many lives, and taken many forms. How your life progresses from these early choices totally depends on you. Each lifetime you acquire more knowledge. This collected knowledge does not come randomly, as each choice is perfect for your soul at that time. It's