Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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course, will lead to relationship problems and avoidance issues throughout life.

How can you change and look at your past differently?
The past has already happened, and therefore unchangeable. But, ‘how’ the past affects you now can be changed. How you look at it may need to be altered for you to move on and experience happiness. The people from the past that haunt you now can't be erased. They can be constant triggers that still affect you. Your reaction to these triggers is what can be amended, so you can learn how to stop them effectively. Until they are addressed, they will keep coming back time and again.

As the past is a fact, realising you chose it and accepting this will go a long way towards overcoming it. You now know you needed that past tolerance, and the pain, discomfort and suffering it caused is really a waste of time and energy. The hatred you feel is only stopping you from moving forward. At the end of your life, you'll see the life scenario that you now view as impossible to overcome as a loving agreement, entered into by your souls’ in order for you, and all those involved, to grow. So allow it to be all right, stop resisting, then can you eliminate the suffering.

The triggers that caused this suffering might still be there, but you have to work on yourself in order to cope with, and finally overcome them. The only way to increase your resistance levels is by: