Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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one. How can you fail when you believe this. At present, your mind is choosing lack, but your soul wants abundance. You are seeing many obstacles in your way due to fear. Fear keeps telling you you're inadequate, you're not up to the job. It's ruling your life. You're using all your strength towards being up to the job. How can you fail now? Estimate your abilities and up them. Don't become egotistical now, but develop a healthy self-respect.

If you become fearful and frustrated, retreat to your private sanctuary. We all have one within ourselves. Even if only for five minutes, relax your body through deep breathing and then work on your mind. Let your fears and frustrations drop one by one and drain your mind. This will instantly stop all your feverish activity and thoughts. While breathing, allow yourself to picture the most peaceful place you remember. You might never have even been there, but everyone has one. Such beauty always calms and rests the mind. After this, you'll feel refreshed and ready to continue on your way. You will have given yourself the short space you needed.

Life ultimately is totally up to you. Everyone is given the perfect tools to achieve anything. Look at a tiny spider. They are perfect in every way to live in their environment. Look at you. You chose your physical body and environment as well, and you have been giving everything in a perfect proportion to live and fulfill yourself in this life.