Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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your death – which do you choose?

Choose now. All people on their deathbed, at the moment when they breathe their last breath, instantly know, the full truth of life is revealed. Why else would they always die, with peace on their faces and a smile on their lips? Even if they have lived the most horrible lives, in death none of that matters. What you have looked for always in life, is never elusive in death. It is just there – the peace that surpasses all understanding. That is what you are always in search of, and always have been throughout life. Suddenly you realise the truth and know it instantly.

Why hadn’t you realised before what it was that was always missing in life? You thought it was a more fulfilling job, more money that was needed to create a better lifestyle, better relationships that were necessary. When all along it was peace that you needed.

Peace was the necessary ingredient to create the missing link. Peace would have created more contentment, which would have lead to more love and greater happiness. If you never know peace in life, everyone knows it in death. But now you know it's missing, why wait all your life to know it and find it? Start looking and choose it now, rather than at the end. Acquire it consciously, not subconsciously.

Know this fact and your life will change. Get in touch with your spiritual self as you have limitless potential. There's no need any