Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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If suffering isn't necessary, why did all the great messengers suffer in this life?

The great messengers who came before - Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Buddha, all chose a certain path that would best lead you to recognise who they were and follow their example. This was the path of suffering.

You think these messengers all died thousands of years outside your lifetimes, but messengers still live today and are chosen to show the path. Why would I suddenly stop sending messengers? Do you think I have forgotten you? This age is one of skepticism and no one would believe any message. The religious leaders all would think it was impossible, as humans all should be humble and any messengers must be from their own ranks. The political leaders feel only they can change the world. Surely ordinary people couldn't allow themselves to be so easily duped and naïve as to believe an ordinary person from among their ranks.