Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Most of the world considers life a trial, a time of testing and suffering. Religions teach us that the experience is to be endured until the real joy starts after death. Most people see joy and fun as wicked rather than a gift to be enjoyed. Small wonder that people abuse and misuse any pleasure. They use it to increase their power rather than as a vehicle of giving and receiving love.

Decide who you want to be. I have told you who you are; the next step is yours. Always remember who you really are – My Body experiencing a physical life.

Which life do you want to have? The one you're having now full of fear, anxiety, anger and tragedy, or the one you could be having full of happiness, love and peace.

Your life can be turned around if you make a new decision about who you are and want to be. Only you have ultimate responsibility for this.

You will need help to change but know I'm here. Listen to Me in the quiet of your mind and in the depth of your soul. The truth is there. My answers are everywhere in your daily life. From the small thought, to the overheard conversation, to a television show. It doesn't have to