Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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After this life, you return as a soul from whence you came. This you call heaven, and it is where just energy, and no matter, exists. This is a resting place where you are reunited with other souls who have chosen the same journey as yourself. Here you will be reunited with those who have already left the physical plane. Know you are never permanently parted from those you are linked to and love. You are always choosing your life. Never think you are not.

So after that bombshell where do I go from here?

Know that what you want, I want. You have total free will. So, you can decide what your life is to be like. I never preordain it for you. Why would I do that? It would negate the gift of free will. If you are to decide what your life is to be like, you'd better decide what you really want and then take responsibility for that decision. Once you decide on the changes to be made and realise what's been missing from your life, then your life can start to move forward.

Make your decisions using your new information base. Remember, you decided on the setting for yourself in this lifetime, long before this point. Even though you might hate your family now, you chose this family, long before you entered this life, as the perfect vehicle from which to experience what your soul needs. Some people have chosen a harder life than others. But know this. No one but