Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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but it's getting harder and harder. I just eat on the run now as I'm too tired to shop and eat properly. I suppose everyone is the same. Life is meant to be difficult.”

Of course, the next step from here will be more health problems, including obesity and diabetes, until life becomes a total nightmare. Trying to bring some order back into your life from here becomes more and more impossible. It's becoming just a constant treadmill of doctors, tablets and trying to escape your ever-darkening thoughts. Work and coping with children and/or a partner are nearly a thing of the past. HELP.

Does one of these scenarios sound like you? Or do you fear it could be you not far down the track? Step back now. Say to yourself, “I have to do something about this now.” STOP. “But what can I do? Things have already gone too far. I can't deal with all of this on my own. I need help.”

You CAN do something about it.

Realise who you are. Who else could you be but Me? I'm all there is and you are part of that. Therefore, you are never alone as you are part of Me. You and I are one. You will never be on your own to face anything bleak again.

I have chosen for you great happiness, love and peace. Why are