Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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you choosing depression and so much unhappiness? You think it's not you, it's just circumstances and so it's out of your hands. No, it's not. You are making this choice. Look at yourself and ask why? Contemplate the why. You might need professional help to solve it. Maybe it's some longstanding frustration. An unresolved childhood problem, or allowing anxiety and tensions to build up at work and home.

You have allowed these longstanding problems to fester. Resolve now to make moves to solve them. These might start as tiny steps. Just stepping outside into the fresh air during the day, and allowing your mind this small respite could be the tiny first step that's needed.

Know the only way to help yourself will involve both mind and body. Helping yourself in both areas will refresh your spirit. Renewing all these areas is vital if problems are to be resolved. I am here. I am your unseen partner, and the only way you will have the strength to set your whole life force back on track. This is faith. Faith is all you have to overcome fear. Without faith you cannot even get up in the morning or go outside the house. Life is faith.

This is where you must change your life energy from negative to positive. Start to deliberately check yourself for twenty-four hours. Instead of speaking negatively about yourself, family, partner, work and the future think of the best possible scenario for all aspects of your life. Try speaking with love about people just for a day, and