Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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restrain your anger directed at those close to you for just this short time. This will be difficult to start with, as being negative and the resulting feelings related to that have become a habit. Just tell yourself it's a short term experiment and restrain these thoughts.

After speaking positively for twenty-four hours, keep going for a week. If you revert to being 'realistic' during this period, allow it to happen. Then be objective. Isn't being 'realistic' another way of saying you're being negative? People delude themselves by allowing negativity to mask as realism. Continue to feed your mind with these healthy, positive thoughts, and you'll gradually realise that things are working out better for you than they were before. Yes, you're still not sleeping well and taking the tablets, but you now want to eat better and you are feeling generally a little better within yourself.

Continue working on the mind with a constant inflow of positivity, and this constant inflow of help for the mind and body must be ongoing. It will take effort and practice to overcome a lifetime pattern of pessimism. The mind and body must be de-stressed and rebalanced through time and effort. This will happen using the following simple lifestyle additions.

I have chosen for you an abundant life – full of happiness, love and peace. What are you choosing?