Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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How can that inner soul become the outer person?
Decide what you want by giving yourself time and space. How do you give yourself more time and space?

Take your endeavors towards your goals seriously. Work towards decluttering your mind first by de-cluttering your life. Reorganise your life-space at home and your space at work. Start to allocate tasks. Assign jobs to children, partners and workmates. Realise you don't always have to prove yourself continually. You need space. Throw away what's not necessary – do you really need those extra clothes and books that you've kept ‘just in case’ you might use them? You'll find this jettisoning very liberating.

Know the goals you're working towards. Just as when you're losing weight, you know what you want to finally look and feel like. Working towards a feeling of peace, you have to know what you want to look like and feel like. Don't delude yourself here, that elusive peaceful feeling will affect you ultimately in every way. You'll feel healthier, you'll look better, your skin will glow. People will continually comment, “You look well. What's your secret?” and secretly, you'll smile and know that this is how you always want to feel, for the rest of your life.

From an inner feeling of peace all else flows. You'll feel happier and more contented. Problems won't seem as monumental. You know now that you can solve them. You have the inner strength to overcome