Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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You'll stop needing and feeding on the perpetual drama of life as soon as you realize that you are creating this drama in order to make your life exciting and interesting. Only then can your life becoming smoother and quieter.

YOU have to decide that you want peace. In modern society peace can be attained anywhere, but people are always encouraged to lead 'larger than life' lives. Only the busy life is interesting where everyone needs to rush, rush, rush. Speed provides the thrill and is the elixir of life. Noise is necessary to enjoy life. Turn up the volume on the new surround sound digital television or sound system. Then people will know that you're really living and enjoying yourself. You have to decide whether this provides the contentment and happiness you crave. Is there a gap between what you are told you want, and what you really need?

After trying the fast-paced lifestyle, everyone in the end always comes to the fateful question, ''Is this all there is?” It might happen at any stage of life, or not until you are faced with death – but it will happen. Then you'll know that peace is what your life has been missing, and you'll be seeking it. When you realise this, then you can take steps to achieve it and from here all other areas of your life will be changed. Happiness and love automatically flow from a peaceful and positively charged mind space.