Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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You have been around the site of an ongoing shopping mall project.  At the front of the site, you might have noticed the billboard that carries the completed version of the building, which is still under construction with the phrase “coming soon,” tagged on it.

The architect concludes the building plan with the 3D picture of the building having people already walking on its streets and cars parked on its car park, a representation of the expectation of the owner in a few months or years.

You are an ongoing project already completed by the Maker God. You may wonder when time will arrive for you to reach the attainment of the future already designed. One fact is you are coming soon. You have been fashioned for Glory and molded with Grace right from the beginning.

You may seem far away from your desirable future design now. This is because you are undertaking the building process. Even though your future state is certain as in the 3D picture of the building, the builders still have to go at building.

The builders work with a plan. The Master Builder has set out his plan for you to achieve. He sticks with his plan as long as you choose to remain the mortar and bricks.

He firstly sets out the foundation. He knows the height he wants you to attain and only the right foundation would fit his building. He will not be planning a skyscraper on a slim foundation. It will fail. He is digging deep into the ground of life and positioning you where you have to be to rise to great heights.

Block by block, your building rises. Every block is each day’s experience. A solid building does not appear just immediately the builder begins to build. Every day, we learn, and what we learn add up to the totality of knowledge we will be having in the future. As each block adds to another, you add knowledge to what you already know and finally hit the right height with the builder sticking to his plan as tentative as possible. He does not want to make a mistake of you so he has to perfect the work.

When a building reaches the right height, the builder gets a roof for it. The roof is a representation of his protection. Through the building process, you have learnt to live with the battering of the rain and the heating from the sun. However, it’s never going to last forever. The time arrives when you get the security and protective covering that comes with being at the highest cadre of life. At this point, you are immune to the battering of life that had once characterized you.

A roofed building signals the building has reached the final height, for which the builder planned. However, the fact that a building has roof does not mean the building is complete. The building will have to undergo the fining process. The walls have to be glazed, the floor has to be tiled, electric fittings have to be fixed, doors and windows have to be positioned etc., to enable the building look nice.

God fine-tunes you and creates the aura of beauty around you. He has nurtured you all the way from foundation to the height you are now. He will not want to see his work lose value. He thus provides you with everything that is necessary to make you attractive.

As your building reaches the final lap, the now letting signal hits the market. Interested persons begin to court the building. As you reach towards attainment state, people begin to court your attention. They begin to see possibilities that will come in their interaction with you. You also begin to court people to whom you can render your services.

Finally, the building is completed and the tenants have taken their slots, the car parks now park in their parking lot and the building now look as was depicted in the 3D picture at the beginning of the building process. This is the point when you get acclaim as being an achiever having attained your purpose for living.

Whatever you may be going through now, keep the big picture “coming soon.” It is only a matter of time before you see the fruition of the big picture.