Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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When I was a little boy, children had this notion that asking for more was greed. When an adult offered biscuits or anything, however sweet it was, we couldn’t ask for more. We accepted contentment as being the rule even when we wanted what was in the offering. We would wait for the adult to leave and then go about from peer to peer asking for what our peers too were not satisfied of. If any one of us managed to bolster courage to ask, we gnarled at him as being selfish in the presence of that adult but celebrated his tenacity and courage behind the adult.

I’ve observed that same attribute has grown with us. Today’s adults are afraid of asking for more. We overly assume contentment as the standard but right inside us there is that un-quenching desire for more that assumes a parallel role with our drive for contentment. We tend not to know the difference between contentment and satisfaction. We assume that we cannot and should not be overly optimistic about the huge possibilities that are possible when we ask for some more than what is offered us. We seem unaware it is our place to have so much and be satisfied.

Whether one likes it or not, there comes a time in our lives when we get overly tired with where we are or what we have now. Our minds are subject to passions of change, because life changes. We think we need more than we are getting and maybe have to strive to get that more that we deserve. It is normal to feel this way. This thinking pattern is the inertia for doing more and getting more from life. Life wouldn’t give you anything if you don’t desire that something.

In life, everything is available. Life is a spring of endless possibilities only to a man who taps from that spring. There could be a spring out there with so much water but it requires the man who is desirous to go and drink from the resources. How much you drink from it is dependent on your desire and thirst. You may decide all you need is just to quench your present thirst or to keep some for the future too.

Don’t feel bad about your changing desire. It’s got to happen and that’s why we are in life. You certainly need something more than what you are having and you need that more every other time. This is what keeps life interesting.

Some persons may realize they need more but they feel encumbered asking. The want more life is dependent on your ability to ask and demand that more. You need to ask for that more. If you think you are worth an increase at your company, ask. If you feel you are not getting full value for your services, ask. If you think you expect more of yourself than you are getting from yourself, you can ask yourself too. When we ask, we receive.

Getting more is a paradigm shift from contentment. This does not mean you can’t be content but those who stay at contentment level do not develop the drive to achieve. They are the ones, who think others are making more through negative means. They choose rather to bear the pain of living in mediocrity in the name of contentment than breaking all the barriers to living the much more life. They silently curse behind the boss and pretend to be all nice before him. The reason is because they feel handicapped asking for more of what they should get.

You have the right to the more you want. No one has a right to what you deserve except you allow them. It wouldn’t take so much more than just daring a bit however scary you feel about that person.

Your resoluteness at getting more of what you want can help define if you will actually get it or not. We may not get all that we ask at the first time asking. We have to persist until we get what we want.

There’s always that sense of satisfaction that fills our heart when we get that more that we want. Imagine how happy you would feel if your boss gives you a wage increase.

When you get more of what you want, you will certainly feel happy and satisfied.

You deserve that more that you want. Go get it.