Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The Olympics is a very important game festival worldwide in which every team prepares to win. Every country aims towards a large gold hurl. Participating athletes understand the magnitude of the occasion. They prepare so hard in anticipation of the event. Their goal is gold.The huge task of the competition often takes the athletes months of preparation, undertaking exercises, trainings and eating right. The reason is that they have to be fit.

What’s your competition? You have a competition in life that you are having to challenge. The hassles of life are every day competitions that you have to come against. Like athletes, you do also have to prepare to face these hassles.

How do you prepare? Life’s learning ground is so huge with lessons every step of the way. These lessonsare meant to build you into a better athlete and prepare you for future challenges. At the beginning of life’s challenge, it often seems a great hurdle to climb. Think of the difficulty of running a 400meters distance for the first time. Yourbodysaps energy before you reach the 200meters mark, but the more you run the distance, the faster you become and the easier the race to cover the distance becomes.

In life, the more you persist, the easier you get over your challenges. Be ready to face challenges. Every challenge you face are steppingstones to future glory. By keeping your gait tied to the goal with determination, persistence, and diligence, you soon discover your difficult hurdles becoming easy meat.

Think life as a competition and you’d have good reason to be up and doing. That’s what athletes do. They come to the games with the competitive mindset. They are there to challenge. Forthem, every other athlete is an adversary that has to succumb to their prowess. They acknowledge that the only proof of their superior ability is only when they challenge other athletes in competitions. You too are absolutely gifted but the only proof is if you get up there against those who are as gifted as you are. You may be a self-acclaim champion but that’s not enough. Boost your confidence by challenging others who you acknowledge are as talented as you are.

Looking at the medals table of any athletic event, you would observe the importance placed on gold. A team may have just two gold medals and another may have one gold and ten silver medals making a total of eleven medals but the team with two gold medals is considered higher in rankings than the latter. Have you ever asked why? The reason is the gold value. If its not gold, it cannot be gold. One gold is more superior to 1000 silvers. The value placed on gold helps for focus. The organizers of these events put the grand value on Gold because they want the athletes putting all their best in pursuit of it. the life lesson here is that you have to set your eyes on the grand prize of excellence. Only excellence is considered valuable. You could be good, very good, but the desirable quality is excellence.

Records are created in competitions as this one. Some athletes create world records, some continental records, others national records and some still personal best records. What record are you creating? Attaining excellence is great but doing it in a sensational style could be very inspiring like creating a record. Push to break every known standard and create your standard. Do everything you do with a standard creating mindset. You will often find others pushing behind you.

The number of medals individuals are able to accrue measures the overall success of a team. An athlete only counts for his team when he has a medal for his efforts. Those who are counted in companies or institutions are those whose inputs are clearly seen. They are the ones who get the company’s best staff award, are trained and promoted. They are the company’s assets. You must strive to be a heralded voice that counts where you are.

Finally, the countries who stay up are those who have had higher gold tally. They are ranked from number one to the last. Those whose athletes have been impressive stand top of the cadre while those whose athletes have performedlackluster stay far at the end. Which position are you aiming for? Is it the topmost position or the last on the list? The choice is yours.

Push for gold. That’s only what matters.