Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Listening to the lyrics that comes through the speakers of my hi-fi system could be tough especially with the kind of songs that pour from them. In spite of this, I listened to one brother who managed to help me with some message, “just let go.” 

Over the few years I have lived on earth, my human nature has being at loggerheads with the materialistic desires that characterizes earth. The desire to have and hold on to everything the world offers has being so strong that I had struggled to let go some things sometimes. In the face of this challenges though, I have managed to soar over some.

Letting go could be really challenging especially if the things you want to let go is pricely and had taken some good sacrifice to have. You often hear some persons say “I cannot afford to lose this oh, whatever it will take, I must hold on to this.”

Some persons may be of the opinion that it is cowardice having to give up some things in the face of some challenge. We want to hold on to that land, asset, building, money, fiancé, friend even in the face of negative turbulent events. We want to fight until the last and payback coin for coin any bad effect mete on us. Our ego and pride is built up that we cannot even think of being losers.

While its great character being able to fight and defend ourselves against cheats or traitors, we don’t have to fight every time. Sometime, we will have to learn to let go.

Do you remember sometime you had a quarrel with a friend who had hurt you and another friend had to pat your back and say, forget it? You remember how furious you were but you managed to calm your nerves. You said, look I am letting go these because of this person, if not I would have showed you who I really am. Don’t laugh at these, you did. You remember how tough it was right?

It could be difficult letting go any hurt done you. However, it would be manly doing it. A popular cliché reads “forgive and forget”, but for some disgruntled folks, this is an impossibility. Forgiveness is not part of their dictionary and even if they forgive, forgetting could be some great trouble.

Real men often announce their entrance by their ability to let go. They show off their material capabilities by letting go debts owed them and spending in a manner that shows off their material wealth. Our wealth is often measured in the amount we are capable of letting go when the need arises. This is why the richest men show their ability to let go their wealth by the use of their charity organizations and the support of projects aimed towards the development of humanity.

The quality we are able to let go is the quality we will always receive. It’s a principle that has always worked. If you do want to be bigger than your peers, who have hurt you, you have to forgive them. if you want large sum of money, give out.

Letting go is a godlike attribute. You earn godlike status especially when you let go something very pricely to you as well as to the person you are giving to. Its sacrifice.

Why choose to live under the burden of some misdeed perpetrated by some person when you can free your mind, let go and live your life. One fact is, when you are encumbered by the thoughts of some ill done to you, you dwell under the persons shadow, and instigate hatred. This hatred could further grow to giant proportions causing ill health to the bearer and maybe death.

How much can you let go? Can you let go at all? It could be difficult. That’s where the difference maker comes in. God makes the difference. You have to pull him towards your side and ask Him for guide.

Who is that person you know you have to forgive but you can’t just imagine forgiving. You let go and give up any strong line that had demarcated you both. You can do it.

You may be holding on to something that is valuable to some other person but less valuable to you. Just let it go.

No price is too huge to pay when the relationship between you and some other person is at stake. Just let go