Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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You may familiar with the phrase “I’ve been through a lot,” and perhaps you have used it one time or the order to define the challenge you had passed or is passing through. Whether one is having a great time or going through difficult times, there is still that lot that you are getting through or have gone through. It seems “a lot” never ends and there won’t be a better phrase to describe life’s challenges however good or bad.

One will have to go through a lot whether he is going up or down the society cadre. This lot may be the strive to remain among one’s high class peeps, the challenge to remain at the higher strata of the class, the tussle to have even one meal a day, the struggle to meet up with the landlord’s demands, etc. the list goes endless. Whether you are down or up, it’s quite a lot that has kept you there.

The question that may trouble a thinking mind is; if everyone goes through the same “a lot,” why are some people having better living standards and higher achievements than some others? The answer lies in the relativity of that lot. A lot is the input we are putting in to achieve a goal or the effect of life’s inconsistencies on us.

If we define a lot in respect of achieving a goal, it takes so much of perseverance and persistence to get at a goal and to remain there once you get there. We are not all born with silver spoons. Most persons will have to struggle from the ground level where they were born to through every strata of society to the top of life. These processes aren’t achieved by sleeping, thinking or day dreaming. It takes pains brought about by hard work. It also takes a lot of time and energy. There may not be friends around and often friends won’t hang when you are nowhere. You may be scorned and laughed at as being overly ambitious.

In spite of what challenges come, they stand against them and challenge till they move each step up. They go through a lot getting up and they will go through the lot remaining up because of the fear of the lot that characterizes the down life. It’s a lot down but the lot is worth it when you up. Those who are down work harder doing a lot, while those who are up work less, doing a lot. Either way both sides do a lot.

If we define a lot as the inconsistencies of life, this refers to the situations that arrive after we have reached a peak position and we find ourselves going down however hard we try to fight against it. It’s quite a lot going down from a peak. Think of a mountain you are trying to surmount. You will strive against opposing wind and height to get up, while coming down the wind still remains your challenge as it makes you lose balance in forcing its strength at you and making you move in its direction. You may even slip down the mountain side and injure yourself once you lose balance. It’s a lot going up the mountain and it’s no easier coming down.

Life has “a lot” to offer the one who is desirous to get that lot. Think about all the good things of life that are available to us; the cars, houses, businesses, money, etc. that’s a whole lot that is in the offering. If you have life in you, that’s a whole lot of opportunities that’s coming around. There are a lot of possibilities in life that presents themselves because we are in life. These possibilities enable us act in a way as to propel us towards getting the lot that abounds in life.

Our societies are built around the lots of life; there are a lot of laws, a lot of ideas, a lot of people, a lot of cars, a lot of houses, and a lot of many things we can think of. It seems inevitable that if there is no “a lot” we won’t exist.

If you’ve being thinking a lot, its only because a lot is what you have to undergo in life and get back in return.