Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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You might have wondered why churches hold vigils, teachers enjoin students to read in the night, witches strive in the night, robbers rob mostly during the night etc. if you never did, I did. As the first son of my parents, much was upon me. I had to carry the family flag high at school but I was such a lazy young man, I wouldn’t. I loved to play football and this took most of my studying time.

My dad was a disciplinarian who wanted me always on my books. When he was around, I’d pretend to be studying but on the slightest chance of him leaving the house, that chapter closed. I slept at 8.00pm only when he was not around. However when he was at home, I dare not sleep at 10.00pm. He expected I would have to read my books until late into the night. But I never did. I would doze off and pray he leaves the sitting room.

As I grew into a man coming through the university, I learnt, though it was very difficult, that I would have to use the night if I had to make any progress. I followed nightwalkers to study at the university and I was astounded in disbelief how they managed not to blink their eyes through the night while my head hit the desk a thousand times. With time, I began to adapt and soon had a grasp of the night.

It seems some secrets about this period of the day elude man. Why is this period recommended for study, prayers etc.?

Scholars are of the opinion that the midnight is the most convenient time for study. They argue that the night provides the serenity required for study. Is it just serenity? Offcourse, we could get to a quiet serene corner of our homes away from distractions in the day and still study. If it is just the serenity, the prerequisite for success won’t be the burning of night candles. It’s more than that. While burning the midnight candle could symbolize some degree of sacrifice in attaining a success goal, the mystery lies in the spirituality that characterizes the night hour.

Spiritualists argue that there is so much work in the metaphysical realm around the night with spirit beings roaming the atmosphere. They claim that prayers made around this period get speedy answers because the airwaves are free from clogging unlike during the day when the airwaves are so busy.Positive Actions carried out during the night are blessed with the visitation of good spirits who dwell in the actor to cause an extraordinary act, an action that would have being just another normal act duringthe day. Musicians, writers, artists, and their likes agree that they find their best creative moments in the nighttime.

Devine guidance often comes during the night rest. God gives prior knowledge of what will be in the future through dreams or visions. He finds that time a great time of communion and takes delight in interacting with us.

As much as there are good spirits, wicked spirits seize the night to deal treacherously with humans. They lurk for human prey and seize the nighttime to cause mayhem on humans. Humans thus can only challenge them when these spirits are effective i.e. in the night, which is the reason for the many vigils.By praying during the night, we break the defenses of the devil and get into their realm of action thereby destabilizing them.

The use of the night could make or mar achievements. It’s a difference maker and though looked away by most persons, making good use of the night can be that difference you need to stand ahead of the competition.

You can use the night right.