Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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I’ve grown up with many big dreams that have not surfaced on this side of the earth just like you have. As a child, you remember all that great “I want to be” stories and how massive and impressive they were. I’ve looked back to many of those big impressive dreams I had and thought “what happened to them?” such massive dreams could have brought me success by now if I pushed to have them just beyond the mental state.

Success is a desirable attribute that naturally strings with every human as we grow. Because failure often hangs around clearly, and with a far-reaching and hurting impact, success always is the better option with the joy that often arrives from it. However, success doesn’t come so easy. Failure always finds a way to battle success by placing barriers. This makes success very difficult to get.

In spite of these difficulties, many success stories have being recorded and will increasingly be recorded of people who have broken the failure barrier and activated their success.

There is always the tendency to reach out for success. We naturally believe that success is always at the end of any venture we intend to venture into. Yes, we are great at creating pictures of where we desire to be. We talk about it, dream about it, sleep on it and jump over it. However, failure always finds a way to poke its head just at that point when the dream is about teeing off.

As a fact, failure always puts a stumbling just before we can begin in the direction of our faith or it gives us space to believe something is possible and then suddenly hits us surprisingly back to where we had started from.

The good news is, everyone has a right to success and it is in everyone to succeed. God had that wired up already as a capacity to be tapped that can help us do much more than we had thought. If you have the faith and believe that you could get something done, you can actually get it done.

This is what actually happens. Failure has a partner called fear that walks together against success and its partner faith. Mr. Failure often sends Mr. Fear to do the dirty job before he pounce’s his fist to do the finishing. They both could be very strong if they find the right prey. However, a man of faith is one way off to a bright start against them

A man may have faith in the strength of his ideas but that’s never enough because fear always whispers the question “are you sure it would work?” you would hear someone say “this is a great idea and I believe it has the possibilities to make huge success” but that does not actually lead to the success

Faith only works when it walks towards a particular direction. Success is only achieved after faith has walked and worked. If you have that big picture and believe in its actualization, its great but it’s just not enough. Enough rises when you arise and tell yourself, now I am walking towards the big picture.

Failure and fear rescind after success finds a stronghold by an acted faith. Success is always slow to act and doesn’t show itself except you walk towards making it arrive, unlike failure who is always hanging around for that one opportunity to pounce.

If you believe you have a great picture, that is not enough. Success at that picture is only activated when you act your faith.