Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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It’s no more knowledge the giant strides the global system for mobile (GSM) has made over the landscape of the world. When this technology rode its way into Africa, I remember how in awe we held it. It was for the upper class and upper middle class and you were considered a god (at least for us who were kids) to have a mobile. We played pranks though because we loved the attention and attraction that having a mobile device could give.

Those days, calculators made in the form of mobile were vogue,(I guess the creators were trying to break the divide). A student who was lucky to have the back cover of his dad’s phone without his dad noticing would wear the covering on a mobile calculator and would bring it to school. What? All the students looked in awe. Those close to the student would come around to herald their friend only to discover that it was all a shade. However, because of the attraction, they’d pretend it was some real phone and then go about mimicking fake calls. If you schooled during this era, this is a familiar story. Thank goodness, the phone is now child’s play that even kids now use them as toys.

The success of the GSM is one story you can learn from. Practically, before a telecommunication giant can have a share of a country’s cake, they first recognize the embedded investment capacity that that country can offer. You have to recognize the great future that you have and which you must be anticipatory of. How you measure your future, is how you will live it. Expect that something great will come out from the idea that will make your future what you would like it to be.

You would need a license. Those giants get a license from the federal government. They’d have to pay quite a lot to get it. You have a license that you have to pay for in order for you to have the opportunity to live the great life you envisage about yourself. You need to buy knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. These three virtues are the initial license you must have if you are to have an opportunity to live the big life.

Once the license is bought, it’s not Uhuru. The telecommunication giant has to develop infrastructure.  What’s your infrastructure? It’s the desire, determination, decision, discipline, dexterity, courage, strength, ambition, hope, faith, peace, faith, vision, dreams, orderliness, ambiance etc. Recognize that the infrastructures for telecommunication are many but subdivided into the following groups: the central mobile station, the base station subsystem, the network switching subsystem, and the operation support subsystem. Your infrastructures vary, divided into intrinsic and extrinsic categories in which the above-mentioned qualities fall. The intrinsic for virtues within you, and extrinsic for virtues that are outside your person.

Having infrastructure on the ground is great but someone has to provide the expertise to build them up. These giants employ people. The fact that you have all the virtues you have does not mean you have it all. You will need the help of others to help you develop your infrastructure and everything you’ve got into a world class brand, the great you.

Slowly and slowly base stations are switched on in various parts of the country, one at a time and over time across the country. The full benefits of all your input and people input in you do not come suddenly. It comes one at a time. You patiently have to wait for the inputs to trigger the changes and over time, you become what you want to be.

These giants don’t stop at developing because they are achieving some success. Their goal always is to cover all the landscape. You don’t have to stop till you achieve everything you have to achieve. Keep investing in your knowledge bank, develop on your infrastructures, and improve from where you are.

There is always room for improving as much as technology changes and that’s what telecommunication companies do. They try to update themselves with new technology. You got to be on top of the knowledge cadre. Be on the lookout for new knowledge and ideas that can make you always on top.

The reason these telecommunication giants exist is to serve people. You must understand that you live to serve. The driving force for the attainment of your future endpoint is to serve and offer credible service.

Often in capitalist driven economies, space for competition is open. There are a handful of communication giants driving for their share of the pie. You too must realize that where you are heading is where many have eyes on but it’s the most hardworking who gets it all. You have to develop yourself to be on top. That’s what the varying services and some off the hook offers of these telecommunication companies tend to tackle. They want more customer base so they look for means to attract customers and satisfy those who are in their network so that they do not think of going out of it. You have to be ahead by keeping tabs with the latest of ideas.

There is enormous knowledge you can learn if you take your time to not just use your phone but also to understand that it works with the same underlying principle that can guide your life.

You may not understand this if you are not connected. Are you connected?