Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Life presents us with challenges that press us so badly that sometimes we find ourselves at the losing end even when we have given our best shot. It could be in a case of an examination, business, family or relationships where we have tried so hard to get at our desired achievement level but all our striving ends up in a colossal waste of our energy. We may choose to renege on previous decisions we have made choosing to let go and deciding to quit altogether.  If you are in this situation, then you should be reading this.

Achieving great feats do not come so easy. We often have to put in so much hardwork, tire ourselves out and pray for good fate. Great achievers never woke up on their bed of achievement. They strived so hard. They never got it right at first time. They strolled through series of failures and then they broke into limelight having to go through their failures and deciding to quit the things that had made them fail. It was never easy for them.

Real achievers have to go through depressing moments. Situations may not go their way at the present initial moment but they do not let this encumber their desirable future status. If they failed, they pick their failures from there and decide how to run round the cause of their failure. They turned to their drawing board and inflicted some changes, then returned to the laboratory to put to practice again

The massive gains of technology which we now enjoy have been the massive failures of some persons. These persons had a conception of the ideas they so wanted to see limelight. They did often have to do some manipulations. Each time they tried, they got it wrong but the beast in them said “hey man this is possible”. They resolved to ensure that the failure they had had was not going to disrupt their future prospect. They strived, failing and choosing to start all over again after they had failed. Thomas Edison, Michael ford, karl benz, Newton, Faraday, bell, etc. are testaments to this.

The current failure situation we find ourselves may be depressing but there is a message behind it. If you have failed you can whisk yourself from the slumber of your failure into renown by choosing to begin all over again.

Take the 7up story for inspiration. The myth around this drink is one of having failed six times and getting it right the seventh time. At every time the scientists mixed the contents, they just did not get the results they wanted. They would have thought, what the hell is this? We have tried now for five times. Someone might have stood around to whisper, call it quit. Let us forget about it. Find something else to push your energy into. But they persevered. At the sixth time they failed, the voice would have said, I just told you to quit, what have you profited by not listening? Yet they still persevered. Let’s take this shot guys one more time, one of them might have whispered. Just then, it was eureka. They got it right. The 7up drink was the product of a six step failing process. When they got it wrong, they started all over again

Imagine what would have happened if the guys at 7up did not persevere. Today the world wide global brand would not have existed. The truth is truly great achievements require a certain degree of perseverance. The story can never be complete if you do not persevere. Are you discouraged because you have tried and failed? Friend you have to wake up from your sleep and get going. You have to tell yourself the truth. I might have gotten it wrong but I can become a success. That examination isn’t too difficult for this head, that task is within my capacity, that failed relationship can be built, the business deal might have broken down but it can be built again.

Do not let the present encumbrances stop you on your path to future glory. Remember if you have failed, today and now is the best time to start all over again even with more zest.